Final ISA Protest of 2010 – Saturday 27th November 2010; Trafalgar Square London; 4-6pm

Dear Friends,
Please join us for the last Internal Security Act protest of the year.
Date: Saturday 27th November 2010
Place : Malaysian Tourism Office Trafalgar Square, London. (Nearest Tube: Charring Cross)
Time: 4-6pm
Dress code: Black
Sadly,this year marks the ISA’s 50th anniversary. Since its inception more than 10,000 people have been unjustly detained under the ISA – the majority of them activists, opposition leaders, journalists, academics and ordinary civilians.We will also have the privilege of hearing in person from Sam Haris Ibrahim on why he believes the 50th birthday of the ISA must be its last.
This is a crucial time to scale up the international solidarity campaign,given that no further progress has been made by the Malaysian government despite the recommendations of the recent UN Working Group on Arbitrary detention that the ISA must be repealed with immediate effect and a number of empty promises by the Najib government since April 2009 to ‘review’ the ISA. In particular, the Malaysian government is intent on revamping its international image, with no regard to rectifying and improving its dismal human rights record. Also, Malaysians back home are finding peaceful protests and even candle light vigils increasingly difficult to organise, with the authorities clamping down and arresting over 30 people in August before a candle light vigil against the ISA had even begun. 
Lets continue to unite to put pressure on the Malaysian government in the run up to the UN Working Group’s formal report in March 2011 and send a strong message to Najib and his cabinet that Malaysia must get its human rights record in order if it is to truly gain the recognition and respect of the international community. Lets make 2010 the last year that the ISA can exert its unjust stronghold and tyranny over the people of Malaysia.
We look forward to seeing you there.
The Abolish ISA Movement-UK / Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA-UK
