More dirt emerge on PM’s private secretary

By Teoh El Sen, Free Malaysia Today

PETALING JAYA: New allegations of corruption have surfaced against Zakiah Ibrahim, the Prime Minister’s private secretary who was recently accused of accumulating some RM200 million in wealth by misappropriating funds.

PKR leader Badrul Hisham Shaharin, also known as Chegu Bard, said he was in possession of documents containing the allegations, including photos of a mansion said to belong to Zakiah and to cost RM5 million.

He called again for a response from Zakiah and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

FMT has also received, by e-mail, a copy of the new allegations.

The informant, now calling himself “Deep Throat JPM”, questioned how Zakiah had managed to acquire such an expensive home on a private secretary’s salary.

He attached to the e-mail a set of photos of the mansion in Taman Setiawangsa, claiming that Zakiah had been staying there since last December. One of the photos bears the caption “Zakaya”, a play on Zakiah’s name and the Malay word for “wealth”.

“If she is brave, then deny that she has a mansion worth RM5 million with the interior design costing up to RM2 million, as she hired the best consultants from Da Vinci Group Holdings,” the informant wrote.

Chegu Bard lamented that MACC had done nothing about the allegations of Zakiah’s corruption, which have been in the news for more than a week.

He said: “The problem is this: if it was a Pakatan leader that was being accused as such, MACC would act as if they were fire fighters and rush in to try their very best to dig more dirt and blow up the issue.

“But why is MACC this time so silent and deaf?

“I challenge MACC to honestly investigate and give an explanation on whether Zakiah is really guilty of all those things she has been accused of.

“I also challenge Zakiah herself to come forward. There are a lot of things that are doubtful here, including her bank loans and the new allegation on her home. The public deserves to know.”

Waiting for more documents

Asked whether he would be lodging a report with the MACC, Chegu Bard said he was waiting for more documents from the same source as well as other sources.

He said he had sent a letter to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak but had yet to receive a response.


