A Malaya Land

By Johan Brendon

From foreign lands the forbearers came hand in hand
To a beautiful place called the Malay Land
Devious offspring waste no time to disguise
As Malays whom they soon patronise
So eager to sell out their parentage
Such delight to gain an advantage

One or two impostors even became Prime Ministers
None more so than the one who is most sinister
His father’s father was Indian matters not
Reminded of his Kerala sort, he conveniently forgot
The Chinese and Indians whom he sneers as ‘pendatang’
Even if their fore fathers were born in Kelantan

Pendatang toil hard to enrich the Malay land
While the impostors are looting from the other end
They keep on robbing and stealing
Billions of ringgits have gone missing
Stashed to the hilt in foreign banks
The Malay land will shortly be poorer than Thailand

The natives are left with nothing
Because of the merciless thieving
Impostors get richer natives get poorer
Squashing these brainless amoebas can’t be sooner
The Malay land will end up in great plight
Taken to the cleaners by these amoral parasites

Impostors divide and rule in an otherwise harmonious land
With their onslaught of racist and foul mouth rants
Beneath the different skins lurk the same human genes
Let’s consign these low life bigots to the filthy bin
United we stand and divided we fall
Either we are in it together or not at all
