GE 13 Is The Rakyat War Against Powerful & Rich Umno-BN Part 1

The rakyat now have to choose between an evil regime against a once good apple that is now starting to turn bad, yet still salvageable by cutting off the bad part, but will they dare to do it?

By Richard Loh

Umno claimed that Putrajaya is theirs and will crushed bodies and lost lives to defend it while Pakatan is marching forward to take control.

Both coalitions are obsessed with Putrajaya, failing to note that Putrajaya does not belong to any of them but the RAKYAT.

The 13th General Election is more like ‘its a do or die’ mission for the rakyat to take back the country. The rakyat used Pakatan as a stepping stone at the 12th GE to do what is necessary. Can we still hang on to Pakatan to ensure victory for the rakyat?

The rallying cry is not just for change but to Take Back Our Country.

The rakyat now have to choose between an evil regime against a once good apple that is now starting to turn bad, yet still salvageable by cutting off the bad part, but will they dare to do it?

‘Umno controlled BN’ is doing what is necessary to stay in power. They are now divided into many groups to spread the good news what ‘Umno controlled BN’ had done and will be doing for the rakyat and the country, while conveniently leaving out corruptions, racism and other crimes that they may have committed. They are reaching out to the rakyat and are willing to listen to them, as what they claimed especially by Umno president, the PM himself. They can come out with all sorts of gimmick but Umno is still the master and has overall control of BN. The rakyat are reminded again and again that only ‘Umno controlled BN’ can developed the country and bring prosperity, happiness and harmony, is this a fact or fallacy, you think over it.

These are all talks and promises only, nothing ever written in black and white, easier for them to retract after winning each election. They are no difference from the past 12 general election campaigns. If anyone bothered to check through all their promises, I am sure you will be shocked at the percentage that were actually implemented.

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