Things heat up at sodomy trial, cops called in

By Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim’s sodomy trial witnessed a heated exchange, forcing the court to summon the police to diffuse the tension.

The temperature rose when Solicitor-General II Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden became embroiled in a verbal tussle with several people seated in the public gallery.

Hospital Kuala Lumpur forensic pathologist Dr Siew Sheue Feng took the stand again this morning to be cross examined by Anwar’s defence team.

At one point, lead counsel Karpal Singh grew frustrated with the witness and requested for a break.

“They (the witnesses) are like robots which have been programmed,” he said

This paved the way for a verbal joustle between Anwar and Mohd Yusof, with the opposition leader accusing the prosecution of suppressing evidence.

“You do not know the law,” retorted Mohd Yusof.

Following Siew, the defence team is slated to grill Dr Khairul Nizam Hassan, who is also from Hospital Kuala Lumpur.

Also present in court is Australian forensic specialist Dr David Wells, who is advising the defence team.

Anwar, accused of sodomising his former aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, is looking at the prospect of landing in prison for the second time.


