A Letter to King Karpal

To state for a fact that Zaid cannot be trusted is absurd, especially when Zaid was commenting on the felonious state of affairs regarding the party polls. If only you would take the time (carpe diem) to ask the ordinary PKR members or stand as witness during the tallying of votes, should you then recognize just how ingrained the UMNO rot has set into PKR.

By Hakim Joe

You have always earned the respect and admiration of the majority of Malaysians with your staunch stand promoting Racial Impartiality, the Rule of Law, Free Speech and Human Rights but this time, you have literally put your foot in your mouth by your statement that Zaid cannot be trusted. Can you perhaps tell me whether that is the second before he resigned
or the exact second after he resigned from PKR?

To state the obvious, “When can we ever really believe what a politician says all the time?”

PKR has its leadership problems but it was rather inane that you, as a leader of DAP, should jump into the fray, involving yourself and the party you represent, in something that is not of your immediate concern. To state for a fact that Zaid cannot be trusted is absurd, especially when Zaid was commenting on the felonious state of affairs regarding the party polls. If only you would take the time (carpe diem) to ask the ordinary PKR members or stand as witness during the tallying of votes, should you then recognize just how ingrained the UMNO rot has set into PKR.

Instead you chose to fire a barrage of unfounded criticisms against someone who is stating the obvious. Is this accomplished in the hope of showing overt support for a member of the Pakatan coalition? Do you actually realize that you actions have denigrated the many PKR supporters who have witnessed the fraud that is evinced during the recent PKR party polls? Does your statement mean that those who had lodged official complaints and protests regarding the manner in which the PKR elections are held are in fact all incorrigible liars and/or BN moles and saboteurs?

Or is it that your vast political experience facilitates your foresight to essentially recognize the character flaw of an individual the second he or she does not side with you? Did Zaid become someone that cannot be trusted the second he leaves the party or have you known of his true intentions long before he resigned from PKR? If that is the case, could you explain a bit more regarding the Jelapang Bitch (formerly) from your party?

Lastly, do you think that the Rakyat is incapable of making their own deductions from this sorry episode and that we require your profound insight to demonstrate to us simple folks just what is right or what is wrong, or who to trust and who is not to be trusted?

Sir, I was personally there during the PKR branch elections and the PKR divisional elections and I have actually witnessed the many polling infractions and violations that were done ala Umno style strong-arm tactics and fraud. I have lodged numerous complaints with the PKR Election Steering Committee but none of my complaints have ever been answered. It seems that the illustrious Molly Cheah is unavailable to stand in judgment (as she is away celebrating her masters’ victories) and that any investigations into these complaints will be performed after she becomes sober, whenever that’ll be.

For someone of your stature that has been in this political game for such a long time, your experience seems to have left you and your words have actually degraded your reputation and those of your party as well. Do you see your peers doing what you just did?

Before I sign off here, there is one question I need to ask of you, “Were you ever there personally during the PKR Party Elections or are your reasoning based on your prophetic vision from afar?”

Hakim Joe
