Is Azmin Ali the choice of PKR members?

  1. Officially the PKR election is over and the official tally of the recent election will be announced sometime next week at PKR congress. However the unofficial tally is available on various online media. The thing with unofficial tally, it is not the official results and whether the official results will be within a small or large variance it will be made known soon enough?

  2. PKR as we know it had publicly announced that their 400,000 member will do a historical direct voting that has never been practiced by any political party in Malaysia. The voter turnout has been miserably low. As at last weekend only 6.9% of voters had turn out to cast their votes. This does not augur well for the party. This numbers can be interpreted in many ways. For sure one way of looking at it is that PKR do not have 400,000 members. Maybe someone add a zero somewhere. It can also be the case that the 93.1% of the members are just not interested in the election which means that they are passive members or they are not interested in the candidates.

  3. Last weekend is the final weekend for voters to cast their votes in some areas. Ampang and Gombak were two of the areas. The two strong PKR member in Ampang that I know did not even go down to vote. When I asked them, they said it is not relevant. I am not sure what they meant and I did not pursue the matter further.

  4. In Gombak area which is Azmin area, the voter’s turnout is extremely dismal. It boasts to be the fortress of Azmin Ali guarded by over 7000 members but the voter’s turnout is over 100. I was told that the polling station was empty from morning to evening and with impartial JPP who knows how many votes actually were casted and how many votes are inside the box. Let us assume and give the benefit of the doubt and assume gets 250 votes in Gombak, this would mean that he got 3.6% of the members support. At the national level as of last week Azmin received 5% of the votes. From another perspective it can be interpreted as he was being rejected by 95% of the members.


