PKR – A Victim of Black Ops?

By batsman

I really have no idea. Black ops being what it is definitely does not go around advertising its presence. However, an article on MT triggers some thoughts (How corporate America is pushing us all off a cliff). 

What I am sure of is that the PKR elections are a shambles. However whether it is a shambles from pure incompetence and inexperience, or a simple act of sabotage, or a well planned black ops operation from the start which involves saboteurs followed by opinion forming on a grand scale, or even manipulation by a devilish Anwar-Azmin team on a grand scale is really up to you to decide.

The evidence is scanty and consist mainly of claims, accusations and mud-slinging by many parties. Some even claim to have witnessed wrong-doing with their own eyes, but the wrong doing is so detailed and so broad that it must have encompassed several elections in several branches all openly and brazenly committing fraud for such acts to be witnessed by any single person’s eyes. 

Further the acts of fraud are so brazen as to take people for fools. For example the tally of members who voted does not match the total votes received by all the candidates by almost a factor of 100%. I suspect a 2 year old Mongoloid would have picked up such a mistake, yet are the manipulators so brazen as to take everyone for fools? Is this believable? 

The branch elections started on the worst public relations gaffe that anyone can imagine. It deteriorated into fist swinging and chair throwing fights. Either the organisers are complete incompetents or some provocateurs have managed to get into the act or maybe even both. This means either the organizers were completely unprepared or the provocateurs were an extremely professional and well-prepared team who have been trained and practiced well before the elections were due. In my humble opinion it looks to be both cases. But can anyone say for certain? 

When it came to the elections for the No 2 slot, Zaid’s claims for the elections to be re-organised started with only about 3 apparently not that serious complaints. Maybe they were serious enough to warrant the elections to be re-done, but as time went on the accusations of malpractice became more detailed and more serious – enough to cast DSAI into an almost evil public relations hole as the devil manipulator incarnate. 

Now it looks as if the PKR on which we have pinned our hopes for a reform of Malaysian politics is not worthy of championing that role. What happened? Was PKR pushed off a cliff by expert opinion forming consultants worth tens of millions of ringgit? Did PKR not just shoot itself in the foot but blew its own brains out? Or is it really the evil Anwar-Azmin team that did PKR in? 

Before things get any worse and the disease infect PAS and DAP as well, let me just recommend some common sense remedies. 

In a situation where there is danger of friendly fire, it makes sense for all the friendly forces to stop shooting altogether. In a disciplined situation with good communications this will stop all the casualties from friendly fire. If anyone continues to shoot it can only be enemy forces. Thus defensive fire can be done in a disciplined manner. 

Unfortunately Malaysian politicians tend to have big undisciplined mouths and they will continue blabbing even when the order is given to stop shooting, so such a cease fire is only partially effective. Big mouth politicians cannot be differentiated from enemy provocateurs. 

This creates a big problem. The way to solve it is to learn from police forces all over the world who are trained to identify victims from criminals in hostage situations. When undergoing their training, they are supposed not to shoot the hostages but to neutralize the criminals. So some discipline is also needed in pulling the trigger. Friendly forces must be clearly differentiated from enemy forces before anyone pulls the trigger. Unfortunately our big mouthed politicians are also clearly undisciplined and trigger happy, so some friendly casualties are to be expected from “friendly” fire. 

Unfortunately our big mouthed politicians are also a whinny cowardly lot who complain incessantly that they have been hurt. To make things worse, these big mouthed politicians are also vindictive and will take revenge for every small little hurt even if such hurt is accidentally done by friends. 

So it is that our big mouthed politicians cannot be clearly differentiated from enemy provocateurs. This gives expert opinion formers worth tens of millions of ringgit fertile ground to work on. 

So it is that the Malaysian public should accept some casualties from “friendly” fire. So they should clearly be unsympathetic to politicians with big mouths who whine and moan endlessly after getting hit and not whine and moan nauseatingly along. 

After taking such casualties and bandaging the wounded, it is time to re-group and re-organise and drum it into our politicians that we no longer accept undisciplined trigger happy and vindictive behaviour. It is OK if PR loses the 13th GE, but if they are worthy, they can come back and be supported by the rakyat again during the 14th GE. 

In the mean time, I guess more millions or even billions of ringgit will be lost to corruption and more good people will be victims of abusive bureaucracies, but there is no longer any choice since this is the price we must pay if we cannot fight expert opinion formers worth tens of millions of ringgit. 

In the subsequent GEs, I guess the fees of these opinion formers will go up and they will even be more manipulative and be supported by an almost all powerful partisan bureaucracy. So Malaysians will have to pay even more taxes to meet the fees of these expensive public opinion formers who will then go all out to sabotage the trigger happy and foot shooting opposition again and again. 

I guess these are the hurt and pain we have to experience unless and until we wise up and finally vote UMNO out. 

In the meantime, the fines and penalties will shoot up for any small transgression committed by the rakyat. More people will be turned into criminals just for trying to live their daily routine lives. Car owners will no longer be able to drive their cars legally if they become black listed thus creating a bigger black market for illegal driving licenses and road tax discs. In the meantime the MACC will continue to use their NFA chops and corrupt bureaucrats or powerful politicians will get away scot-free for major serious transgressions and criminal acts. 

Similarly, the rakyat will receive heavy fines for having stagnant water in their premises while the huge oil palm estate that surrounds their houses will get away scot-free for breeding zillions of dengue carrying mosquitoes while the bureaucrats claim that aedes mosquitoes never breed in oil palm estates and the health authorities plead for public cooperation and public goodwill in their fight against dengue while collecting hefty fines and penalties imposed on the public with glee. 

Malaysia will become a very unpleasant place to live in indeed unless and until we vote out UMNO, if not in the 14th GE, then perhaps in the 15th GE, or maybe even after that (hopefully). I guess hope springs eternal, but I hope our vocabulary in daily usage will not migrate from the millions into the billions and finally into the trillions or zillions with each passing year. heeheehee
