1. I have been receiving quite number of hate mails for my continuous engagement on the subject of PKR recent election. I am not an UMNO member or any BN direct or indirect coalition member. Therefore I cannot be considered as anti PR or anti PKR. I am critical because I have a high expectation and want something better for the country.

    Strong PKR supporters say that there were no fraudulent activities or abuse in the recent election but rather shortcoming in view of the shortage of man power and lack of experience. I am here not to convince the non believer but rather to convince myself. In my assessment, the election process was flawed, abused, hacked and whatever suitable term you can use to ensure that de-facto leader position is not being compromised.

  2. In the process of commenting many people get things mixed up. Some attacks the commentator because they felt the comments was directed against PR. It is known fact that Anwar was instrumental in bringing PAS and DAP to sit together and was able to move forward a more stable coalition. For that we must be grateful to Anwar as well as for his years of service in the government. However we cannot live in the past. We must live today for tomorrow.

  3. Today, it has shown beyond doubt that PKR has failed to do the most honorable thing in running an election. This reflects badly on them. I think if the JPP or the party had admitted their shortcomings and decided to re-do their election or maintain the present status quo until all issues are ironed out, they would have earned a greater degree of respect from me and many others. Instead of admitting, the Party leadership went out of their way to cover things up. I am still waiting for Saifuddin Nasution to reply Haris Ibrahim on “Pink ballot paper” which Haris received hours before the election. Suddenly he went into a silent mode. In my mind PKR has betrayed PR and the rakyat of this country who had voted for them.

  4. Between jumping frogs, sex scandals and non performing ADUN’s and MP’s from PKR, I think it is time that PR supporters and voters at last GE demands that a greater seat allocation is given to PAS and DAP. From a moral and acceptable values proposition, I believe both DAP and PAS are far more ahead. PKR cannot be made the leader in running PR until they do things honorably. At the moment PAS elected reps do not suffer from “diseases” that is afflicting the PKR elected reps.


