Another stripping of rakyat’s voice in Parliament?

By Lee Wee Tak

There is this interesting nugget from Azmi Khalid that the PAC cannot investigate Sime Darby losses despite “urges to investigate” from “many quarters” because the investment was from private investors.

The Chairman’s argument does not hold water at all.

The “many quarters” probably consist of Malaysians. Parliament is a place to discuss and resolve Malaysians’ problems be it public utilities, economic conditions, social security, commercial opportunities etc.

So why can’t a matter of public concern be looked into by PAC? Investors, big or small timers, in Sime Darby’s shares may have less dividend while the banks from whom Sime Darby borrow from would have lost depositors’ money and EPF dividends would be lost as well.

The Speakers have constantly rejected Pakatan Rakyat MPs’ motion or even evict them denying the rakyat’s voice to be heard through their elected representatives….and now this. I have that sinking feeling that we are being barred from being heard in the Parliament.

Similarly, Azmi is saying that since it is a private enterprise the government has no business looking into it.


