Azmin-Zaid row: Blame no one, says Syed Husin

By Rahmah Ghazali, Free Malaysia Today

PKR CONGRESS PETALING JAYA: Outgoing PKR deputy president Syed Husin Ali today denied that his unwillingness to defend his post had led to the dispute between two prominent leaders.

In his farewell speech at the opening of Youth and Wanita PKR congress here, the 74-year-old politician said the same “drama” would “unfold itself if the main actor is the same”.

“My decision not to defend my position is final. Some of my friends said my announcement is the cause of chaos in the party elections.

“But I believe, if I were to defend my post, the drama would still unfold if the main actor is still the same,” he said, alluding to former deputy president hopeful Zaid Ibrahim, who had resigned from the party over his unhappiness with the manner the party polls were conducted.

The contest for deputy presidency had turned to a bitter rivalry between the newly elected Azmin Ali and Zaid.

During the party election run-up, Zaid had accused Azmin, who is believed to be PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim’s preferred successor, of electoral malpractices.

But Syed Husin said today that “no one was to blame” for being behind the chaotic drama.

“It is neither Azmin nor Anwar’s fault,” he said.

‘We will heal’

Syed Husin, who is also an appointed PKR senator, also chided party detractors who went public with internal matters and resorted to engaging the “media belonging to an enemy”.

Again, without naming any specific individual, he appeared to be referring to Zaid who had spoken about the alleged party electoral irregularities in an interview with Umno-controlled Utusan Melayu.

“Whether they realise this or not, they have become a tool, not only for that media, but for those opponent parties whose sole purpose is to destroy us.

“They are like wolf in sheep’s clothing. But thank God, with their own doing, they make themselves vulnerable. Eventually, they hang themselves with their own ropes,” he said.

The ongoing squabble within PKR, he added, would not leave a deep wound.

“We will heal the wounds by moving forward and strengthening ourselves for Putrajaya,” he said.

Third force ‘indistinct’

Touching on the “third force” movement, he said its form was still “indistinct” but warned the delegates not to take it lightly.

“If third force is formed, it could give a breather to Umno and Barisan Nasional and at the same time could create an obstacle against us,” he said.

Talk of the emergence of a third force to rival BN and Pakatan Rakyat became louder following Zaid’s decision to quit PKR.

Later at a press conference, Syed Husin said the third force “can’t be dismissed totally”.

“People may think that the third force is neither third nor force, but we are worried that they will help those who aren’t happy with Umno to stay away from the opposition.


