Don’t be manipulated by self-interest groups, youths told

By The Star

KUALA LUMPUR: The younger generation must avoid being manipulated by self-interest groups having what seems like an impressive and admirable struggle, but based on a skewed agenda, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said.

The Deputy Prime Minister said the young should not be hoodwinked by those who tend to twist the truth.

“Of late, we have witnessed issues which had been sensationalised and politicised.

“Issues relating to religion, the Internal Security Act, race relations, freedom of speech and human rights have become the subject of debates which can indirectly lead to instability and undermine peace.

“As young leaders, you should not allow yourselves to be hoodwinked by these irresponsible groups,” he told student leaders from institutions of higher learning at Parliament House.

The youths were attending a leadership seminar, jointly organised by the Senate and Higher Education Ministry.

Muhyiddin, who is Education Minister, advised young leaders to use their energy to help find solutions to the relevant issues and help make Malaysia a developed country.

He said the Government had introduced various programmes to create professional human capital with high integrity.

Muhyiddin said 60% of Malaysians were young people, of which 11.9 million are those aged between 15 and 40.

“You are an important generation who can be agents of change in the move to create human capital in line with global developments.

“We hope the younger people like yourselves will be able to be rational and objective without being influenced by negative elements,” he added.
