PKR ‘foul play’ photos released

By Sira Habibu, The Star

PETALING JAYA: Disgruntled PKR members are now resorting to the media to highlight photographic evidence of alleged discrepancies during party elections.

They are losing their patience, as some party leaders keep claiming that the complainants did not provide evidence to back their claims.

A photograph showing an election officer pointing where to tick during polls on Nov 12 in Merbok was forwarded to The Star yesterday.

Another photograph showed an election officer ticking ballot papers as a voter looks on.

“We have no choice but to release the evidence as the party leadership failed to take action to check irregularities,’’ a member said.

Another member forwarded a photograph showing a group of election officers looking at the ballot papers, holding pens during polls in Bukit Katil, Malacca on Oct 31.

“We do not know what they are really doing. We are suspicious, but we do not want to assume anything.”

PKR central election chairman Dr Molly Cheah said all complaints would be investigated and asked complainants to be patient.

“The executive secretary is supposed to document the complaints and forward them to the election committee. We need time to investigate the claims.

“Also, they are all busy preparing for the party congress (from today to Sunday). They do not have the time now to go through the complaints. But they will be looking into them.

“It is also not fair for me to comment on the allegations as we have not completed investigations,’’ she said.

