PKR’s Salehuddin lodges police report over Jenapala’s sacking letter

(Bernama) – Former Parti Keadilan Rakyat Secretary General Datuk Salehuddin Hashim on Friday made a police report claiming that his signature was forged in the letter sacking former deputy secretary-general P. Jenapala from the party.

The report was lodged at the Dang Wangi district police headquarters in regard to a letter dated Feb 2, 2009 that was purportedly written and signed by Salehuddin.

Salehuddin said he lodged the report only now after being informed about the letter two days ago by Jenapala’s lawyer who showed the affidavit from current secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution.

“I just saw it two days ago. Jenapala’s lawyer asked me whether that was my letter, and I looked at it and thought that is (not) my letter. It was not signed by me,” he told reporters.

On Thursday, the High Court here decided that it had no jurisdiction to hear Jenapala’s suit against three PKR office-bearers in relation to the post of deputy president of the party.

In his originating summons on Nov 18, Jenapala stated that he was suing the party to get a declaration that he was entitled to contest the position of deputy president.

