Stop favouring any group, Kit Siang and Guan Eng told

By FMT Staff

PETALING JAYA: A DAP member has called on party bosses Lim Kit Siang and son Lim Guan Eng not to favour any group in the state party elections on Sunday and give veteran Teng Chang Khim “a fair chance”.

“Stop interfering in this election. Whoever wins or loses should be your man. Do not take sides,” said Shen Yee Aun, the former national DAP Youth executive secretary.

In a blog posting, Shen said: “Don’t talk about unity if people who do not share the same vision with you are not included in your team or never given a chance to play a role.”

The former DAP Klang division secretary also said the current situation did not reflect true unity.

A group calling itself “Unity Team” has emerged, represented by mainstream leaders like state exco Teresa Kok, while a second group led by Selangor State Legislative Asembly Speaker Teng, calling itself “Justice Reform Group”, is now trying to topple the leaders.

The Unity Team is said to be backed by the top leadership, including DAP adviser Kit Siang and party secretary-general Guan Eng.

“This is just Kit Siang and son ‘unity’, and not real DAP unity. The real meaning of unity must include people with divergent views and still given a chance to be in the team,” said Shen.

Be fair and professional

Shen said that new members who just joined the party after the March 2008 tsunami should not be next on the list of leaders to help run Selangor.

“Teng has already been with the party for years. The poison-pen letters against him should stop. Promote healthy competition. Respect the true meaning of integrity, unity and democracy,” he said.

Praising Teng, Shen asked: “Before March 2008, who was the opposition leader in Selangor who took on the giants of Umno despite the many limitations?


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