Syed Husin on PR’s ‘weakest link’

(Harakahdaily) – Owing to the mudslinging and media frenzy generated from its just concluded elections, there is no prize for guessting that Parti Keadilan Rakyat could be the weakest link in Pakatan Rakyat, something which outgoing deputy president did not deny.

Addressing the party’s Women and Youth meeting today, Dr Syed Husin Ali admitted that PKR “maybe” the weakest link, adding that PAS and DAP had already gone through their growing pain.

The veteran politician however rejected suggestions that PKR was a one-issue based party, and took pains to explain a brief history of its struggle since its formation following the Anwar Ibrahim saga.

Saying PKR had a comprehensive composition of members, better programmes and a wide range of basic struggles, Syed Husin reiterated that reformasi movement was the cornerstone to bring about change.

“PKR is a reformasi movement for change, and (fighting) towards an administration that can raise the dignity of the people,” he stressed, describing the party as a rainbow party with members from all backgrounds.
He also outlined several measures to strengthen its base at the national level, among which is by increasing membership, quality of the members and party discipline.

He listed four important areas to become the focus of members, which are justice for all, people’s welfare, national unity, and high moral and ethical grounds.
Meanwhile, commenting on the noisy party polls, especially in the contest to fill his soon-to-be vacant seat, Syed Husin said even if he had not announced his resignation, such a conflict would still take place.

“This is my own decision. I was the one who decided on my own to relinquish my post as deputy president,” he said.

