Polls fraud: PKR members to reveal juicy details

By Sam Lini, Free Malaysia Today

SANDAKAN: PKR members from two divisions are expected to file legal suits against the party on Monday in which they will reveal roles played by certain individuals in ensuring votes are cast for deputy presidential candidate Azmin Ali.

The suits will highlight the irregularities in the elections conducted at the Libaran and Sandakan divisions earlier this month.

The suits will be filed by members of the Sandakan and Libaran divisions.

All relevant documents, including affidavits from witnesses and vote-buying agents, have been prepared, and are expected to be filed on Monday at the Sandakan High Court registry.

The disgruntled members will be asking the court to declare as invalid the results of the elections held in the two divisions for the post of deputy president.

They also want fresh polls to be held in their divisions for that post.

Manipulation in Sandakan

In the Sandakan suit, the applicant will be submitting that the voting process in the division on Nov 6 was manipulated so that it favoured Azmin, and that outsiders were ferried in to cast their ballots for him.

“He will also state in his affidavit that some voted more than once,” said a source familiar with the matter.

The applicant is also expected to name an agent who had organised members and non-members to cast the extra votes.

The agent himself is believed to have agreed to file an affidavit in which he will admit he was responsible for ensuring Azmin got more votes than the turnout on that day.

“The agent’s affidavit will reveal that he brought in the extra voters, ensured the extra votes were cast by his team and that he was helped by the election coordinator for this purpose,” said the source.

Allegations of votes erased and re-marked

In the Libaran suit, the applicant will also claim that polling in that division too was tainted, with manipulation allegedly done to favour Azmin over the other candidates.

“The main grouse will be that of the 200 people who voted, only 50 are party members,” said the source.

Here too a voting agent will be filing his affidavit to confess his role in bringing in non-members to vote.

“The agent will confess in his affidavit that he was promised payment for his work. He will also say that he had the help of election coordinators to cast votes for Azmin,” added the source.

The source said this agent’s affidavit would be juicy as it would reveal in detail how he manipulated the voting process, including how marked votes were erased and re-marked.


