PM: ‘Third force’ a clear sign of Pakatan unrest

By Dharmender Singh, The Star

SERDANG: The emergence of a “third force” within Pakatan Rakyat is a clear sign that the grouping is facing a crisis, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Najib said unhappiness among PKR members had led them to form groups within the party, which finally paved the way for the emergence of a third force.

“Whether it is choosing to become part of the ‘third force’, joining the new party to be formed by (former supreme council member) Datuk Zaid Ibrahim or joining other parties like Umno, it is all due to the confidence crisis that has hit PKR.

“The crisis that PKR is facing is a result of a loss of faith in the leadership that is felt by its own members,” he said after launching the Malaysian Agriculture, Horticulture and Agro-Tourism Exhibition (MAHA) 2010 here yesterday.

He was commenting on claims by outgoing PKR deputy president Dr Syed Husin Ali of the emergence of a so-called “third force”, which while not having much impact on PKR, could indirectly revive Barisan Nasional’s fortunes.

Asked if Umno or Barisan would accept members from the ‘third force’, Najib said the door was open to all and this was shown in the recent amendments to the coalition’s constitution that now allows people to join even as associate members.

“We do not know yet if the existence of the ‘third force’ will benefit Barisan or Umno. We will just wait and see,” he said.
