Police are trigger happy lot, says lawyers’ group

(Free Malaysia Today) – The police are a “trigger happy” lot and shoot at the slightest opportunity, according to statistics revealed by a local human’s right group.

Testimony by a Bukit Aman police offficer at P Uthayakumar’s sedition trial today, showed that in 2008, there were 82 fatal shootings and 88 in 2009, said Lawyers for Liberty.

“It is even more shocking when compared to previous years: In 2000 there were nine deaths; 2001 (5); 2002 (27); 2003 (17); 2004 (13); 2005 (9); 2006 (16) and 2007 (13),” said the group.

This would mean fatal shootings in 2008-09 saw a 17-fold increase compared with five deaths in 2001, said the group.

“We can conclude that the police are trigger happy and will shoot at the slightest opportunity in breach of the laws, regulations and the IGP’s Standing Orders (IGSO).”

Lawyers for Liberty also claimed that the police had thus far been unable to prove or justify these shootings.

“There has been a spike in the number of unjustifiable and unlawful shootings of innumerable persons, apparently for fleeing from the police or plainclothes police personnel when confronted, even for minor offences.

“The police invariably claimed that they were ‘attacked’ and retaliated only in self defence even though there is no evidence to back up their claims,” said Lawyers for Liberty.

It also said senior police officers and government officials usually “blindly” defended the police without looking at the possibility they might have been to quick to discharge their firearms.

“What has become of the Home Ministry’s special panel formed in the aftermath of Aminulrasyid Amzah’s shooting?” asked the group.

“Apparently nothing. The panel reportedly recommended that the current IGSO be improved. It looks to be just another public relations stunt.”


