Native kids being classified as ‘Melayu’

By FMT Staff

KUCHING: Sarawak PKR chief Baru Bian has received complaints from native parents about their children being classified as Malays in their school report cards.

According to him, the children’s “keturunan” (origin) were stated as “Melayu” instead of “Lain-Lain” (others) as practiced in the past.

“We were informed by one parent that the status cannot be changed (back) because it was already within the system and the education officer was not able to make the changes,” he said.

Sarawak PKR was also furnished with a copy of a letter inked by six concerned parents which was sent to the state teachers’ union president seeking a clarification on the matter.

“We echo the concerns of these parents because it has great implications in the future,” said Baru.

“If the status is not clarified and maintained, it can be implied that a native person, once he or she is classified as a Malay in official school documents, is a Muslim by virtue of the definition of Article 160 (of the Federal Constitution),” he added.

Article 160 states that “a Malay means a person who professes the religion of Islam, habitually speaks the Malay language, conforms to Malay custom…”


