What Makes Us Malaysian?
Patriotism can be defined as a love and devotion to one’s country. Over time, its meaning may vary according to context, geography, and philosophy. Some say it is a related sentiment to nationalism which is not necessarily an inherent part of patriotism. With that in mind, let’s think of what truly makes us Malaysian.
Some may laud and magnify their characteristics which they proclaim to be the epitome of true Malaysian identity.
What makes us Malaysian? Is it the color of our skin? Is it homogenized culture – as in the clothes we wear, food we eat, festivals we celebrate or music we listen to or the customs we observe and practise as handed down from one generation to another??
Does anyone have the right to be ethnocentric when some members of their own community, worse still some of their leaders, do not honor or respect others who co-exist in this beautiful land?
When there are those who cannot comprehend the history of this nation as expounded by John Doe in The Demise of Malacca, Roadmap for Ketuanan and Origin of Malays (Part 1-3) and yet ram their version of history down our throats and have the audacity to change that distorted version again, can we expect the next generation to grow up with a deep sense of belonging and patriotism to their motherland?
Recently, Dr. Michael Chick drew my attention to the following chart which clearly shows the identity of the Austronesians. According to the chart, a typical Malay could be a Native of Taiwan (30%) + Native of Thailand (30%) + Indian (20%) + Chinese (10%) + Others (10%).
It is clear that some cannot comprehend the whole concept of nationhood because they cannot see beyond their noses or bank accounts!!! And yet they deny and deny despite overwhelming evidence of their destructive ethnocentrism.
Are they capable of learning and developing this beautiful country or are they intent on building their little empires, controlling their little Napoleans and promoting their brand of patriotism that stinks sky high? It appears that they can never face up to the truth as it would show up their own weaknesses, failings and deceptive ways!
Would they dare to combat social ills, corruption, inequality, injustice and discrimination and the many social ills that we face? What have they done to develop social cohesiveness, harmony, tolerance, equality and meritocracy? Does it appear that some prefer to let others remain STUPID, IGNORANT and most of all, POOR?
It almost seems as though their brand of patriotism is a one person viewpoint of how an elite group want to manipulate others by pulling the puppet strings of the elected ones. To exacerbate matters, they constantly keep the citizens fearful and docile.
With that, can we truly be a united nation?
Recent events have been most disheartening too. Many are fed up the elected ones have failed to keep their campaign speeches. Some have been alleged to have taken advantage of their position to advance their own agenda.
What are we getting today? A lot or very little?
Some good leaders have come into the picture but spanners have been thrown in to stymie their progress and potential. The evil ones would block or vote against anything good that goes against their own agenda and blame the good guys.
Recently, many are filled with despair and disappointment. Silence could be a form of self-preservation (and yours truly is one of them). When confronted with incompetence, ridiculous decisions or bureaucratic bloopers and unresolved issues, any self-respecting person would distance themselves from such lunacy!
What about our perception? How can we progress when some are deliberately delusional about our global competitiveness, education standards, economic performance or even level of corruption? What about freedom of speech? Each time an elected representative highlights an issue, some make it difficult to expose issues which are inconsistent, contradictory, ridiculous and appalling.
Can you imagine what sort of history our grandchildren will be studying thirty years down the road? Is it going to be a history that is tainted by the prevalence of negative influences in power or will it be a history that we can be proud of?
Obviously, there is no place for jaguh kampungs who thrive in syiok sendiri euphoria. Provincial myopia will get us nowhere. We have to put to death this silly, immature pride of “Face” and forsake superiority complex. To progress, we have to bulldoze absolute selfishness and ZERO common sense to the ground via high education standards that glorify values and norms that would develop a generation of creative thinkers.
Our national identity transcends race and many other nitty-gritty issues which have been played to the hilt by the evil ones. We are screwed big time if we do not do something to change this situation which is STILL reversible. It will be IRREVERSIBLE if we persist in being stupid enough to vote in the same government that prevents us from becoming truly Malaysian.
Do we have a national identity that binds us together cohesively, one that all can be proud to possess and proclaim? Without a sense of identity, can we be truly Malaysian?
Allow me to quote from a dialogue I had this afternoon with Dr. Michael Chick :