Ketuanan Melayu is for Bullies and Cowards Only

By batsman 

Whether the above debating statement is true or false depends on the definition. If one goes by PKR’s definition and what popular definition says, then the proposition is true. If however, one goes by the definition of UMNO, then the opposition (in true UMNO) style is false.

UMNO’s definition links Ketuanan Melayu to the sovereignty of the Malay Rulers. This being so, why talk about a contentious phrase called Ketuanan Melayu at all? Why not go directly to the point and demand that the rakyat pay homage to the sovereignty of our constitutional monarchy? 

The only reason to keep the phrase Ketuanan Melayu is that certain people want to share in the power and sovereignty of the Malay Rulers. This sounds like sedition to me. 

So it seems that UMNO’s definition is cowardly and obtuse, not daring to go directly to the point, but by using such obtuse and imaginary manner and using the name of the Malay rulers to attack opponents, UMNO also looks like a bully. On both counts, the proposition is true. 

Let us now try and analyse the character of Ketuanan Melayu types. 

They are fearful of the truth (see One man’s lie is another man’s fact)

They are fearful of disagreements (see Plans for cyber sedition law… )

They are fearful of criticism (see Anwar barred from testifying over APCO accusation)

They are fearful of speaking honestly, directly, accurately and truthfully (see Hisham.. )

They are fearful of checks and balances (see On Selective Prosecution.. )

They are fanatical about their own sensitivities and deny others’ (see Ibrahim Ali. )

They are fanatical about their own imaginary rights and thrash the real rights of others’ including incarceration for political reasons – ISA (sheeeesh – do your own homework! heeheehee)

They hide inside the trousers of the Malay Rulers when their own positions are not defensible, but think nothing of attacking the Malay Rulers when trying to seize power (unfortunately some idiots who claim to support the opposition have this same rotten character)

They accuse others on trumped up charges

They bully others on imaginary and non-existent issues

They indulge in recividism in twisting both facts and opinions

They try their best to get rid of honest capable men and put their own cronies and sycophants in place (see The Petronas poltergeistand also Last of the portmen

This list is not even a week’s exposés and articles in MT, but I tire of going too far back in time so please do your own homework, and especially if you do not trust MT to tell the truth or if you think some of the opinions are RPK’s aptitude tests. heeheehee

So it would seem as if the proposition in the above debating topic is overwhelmingly right and the opposition overwhelmingly wrong. 

I submit that this is because UMNO and their Ketuanan Melayu attack dogs indulge in a static culture. Some people call this conservative, but basically it tries to freeze everything in place. To do so, they cannot but become bullies and if they are also afraid of the truth, they become cowards as well. 

You can, of course also become a practitioner of static culture. RPK himself claims that there are many Indians and Chinese (not just Malays) who support Ketuanan Melayu. 

Unfortunately life moves on and the farther life moves ahead, the greater the tension between those who practice static culture and those who just wish to live life in an ordinary way without being bullied by cowards. 

I submit that life if dynamic. (Isn’t this obvious?). This is because life is full of energy. When something has great energy, a dynamic equilibrium is better than a static equilibrium. 

For example running is a dynamic equilibrium, so is walking. Hi tech research institutions spend billions just to develop robots which can walk like humans do, so walking is no mean feat. 

Even just sitting down is mostly a dynamic equilibrium (Have you seen movie scenes where the heroine touches a dead man sitting down quietly and he topples over?). So even sitting down quietly is mostly dynamic equilibrium because the muscles involved in sitting down quietly prevent the person from toppling over. 

Even sleeping in a prone position needs movement otherwise the limbs get numb. Besides, the mind even when a person is asleep is furiously working. 

So it would seem that the only static human is a dead human, but even dead humans move as worms do their work. Even the bony skeleton moves as it crumbles into dust over time. I submit that even dust moves, but I don’t want to spoon-feed you so please use your own imagination. 

It would be a great tragedy indeed if the cowardly practitioners of static culture get their way and impose static culture on the whole of Malaysia. Malaysia then becomes basically lifeless with all the dynamism sucked out of her to be enjoyed only by worms, parasites, bullies and cowards. 

Our wise predecessors put a time limit on the NEP because they knew it was not a 100% good thing and that in time, the bad effects of the NEP will make themselves felt. 

One of the bad effects is Ketuanan Melayu, in fact I would say the worst one. When Ketuanan Melayu hijacked the NEP and abolished the time limit imposed on it by our glorious predecessors, they turned something dynamic into something static and twisted. 

When the Malay Dilemma which spawned Ketuanan Melayu in my humble opinion, argues for the creation of Malay millionaires, the NEP hijacked and deprived of a time limit on its lifespan has turned into an abusive monopoly of crony millionaires and corrupt bureaucrats and which now threatens to become a brutal dictatorship of all-powerful crony billionaires and bureaucrats. 

Cronies who are fearful of the truth, who are cowardly and use the power of the state to oppress and bully selected individuals. 

I submit to you that the arguments are solid and the case is clear that the proposition “Ketuanan Melayu is for Bullies and Cowards Only” is true and undeniable.
