Malaysian Parliament a den of liars and thieves
Rahim Noor’s five-month late confession, made by his lawyer to the Commission of Inquiry, exposes the many lies and cover-ups that have characterised the persecution of Anwar since 2 September, 1998. — Aliran
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein has replied in Parliament to Dato Mat Zain bin Ibrahim’s allegation (read here) that they fabricated evidence against Anwar Ibrahim back in 1998 plus lied about the ‘black-eye’ incident. You can read the Minister’s statement in Parliament below.
Basically, the Minister denied the entire matter. Maybe Hishammuddin forgot the statement made in September 1998 saying that Anwar beat himself up and later the then IGP admitting in 1999 during a Royal Commission of Inquiry to having committed the deed.
See the BBC and Aliran reports below of 1998-1999. How do you reconcile these reports with Hishammuddin’s statement in Parliament? It appears to be the tendency of Parliamentarians, even those of the rank of Minister, to lie in Parliament.
Is nothing sacred any more?
Anwar accused of beating himself up
(BBC, 30 September 1998) – The Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has suggested that the injuries sustained by his former deputy Anwar Ibrahim – revealed in a court appearance on Tuesday – may have been self-inflicted.
Dr Mahathir told reporters that Mr Anwar might have hurt himself to gain public sympathy.
“It’s not impossible because he will get plenty of mileage if he showed he was abused by police,” Dr Mahathir was quoted as saying by the national news agency Bernama.
But he said there would be an investigation into the allegation of police brutality, and any offending officer would be punished.
Mr Anwar made a second court appearance on Wedneday, where he was faced another charge of sodomy, amid growing international concern about his treatment.
He repeatedly took off his glasses to dab the area around his left eye that is still black with blood clots.
He told a court on Tuesday that he was punched and slapped until he fell unconscious on the first night of his captivity on 20 September, when he was arrested under the draconian Internal Security Act.
Rahim Noor’s Confession: Black Eye and Blacker Deeds
Aliran Media Statement (1 March 1999)
Together with the Malaysian nation, Aliran notes that public demands to know the truth behind the infamous ‘black eye’ that Anwar Ibrahim suffered on the night of 20 September, 1998 has now produced a self-confessed villain.
That villain is none other than the former Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Rahim Noor who confessed yesterday to having assaulted Anwar while the latter was defenceless and held in police custody.
The Malaysian public will no doubt be relieved to hear that no low-level police personnel was offered as a scapegoat for the dastardly deed of the then most high-ranking police officer.
But Rahim’s confession, which only came after sustained public pressure to have the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about this unpardonable incident, must now raise pressing questions about the administration of justice in this country.
Rahim Noor’s five-month late confession, made by his lawyer to the Commission of Inquiry, exposes the many lies and cover-ups that have characterised the persecution of Anwar since 2 September, 1998.
Shortly after he had already assaulted Anwar, Rahim had the temerity to lie by publicly ‘assuring’ the nation that Anwar was safe and sound in police custody. Even after Anwar’s ‘black eyed’ appearance in court, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad had the audacity to suggest that Anwar’s injuries were self-inflicted. Ever since then, the Attorney General has sat upon medical reports and police reports and showed no urgency in ensuring that justice be done.
Aliran considers that more than five months of such delays, lies and cover-ups tantamount to a travesty of justice especially when contrasted with the ongoing prosecution of other people.
Malaysians have been told that the prosecution is no longer interested in Anwar’s alleged sexual misconduct. Anwar, as even Justice Augustine Paul has repeatedly reminded Anwar’s lawyers, is only being prosecuted for allegedly interfering with police investigations.
By the same token, the Malaysian people are not interested in how mere words, supposedly uttered by a blindfolded and handcuffed Anwar, could have so severely provoked Rahim to beat up Anwar repeatedly in a police cell? What they want to know is, ‘How do the lies, insinuations and delays perpetrated by then Home Affairs Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, then IGP Rahim Noor and the present Attorney-General differ from Anwar’s alleged interference in police investigations and the administration of justice?’
The nation has also been treated to the deplorable spectacle of the mass trial of 126 people that arose out of the October 1998 demonstrations in Kuala Lumpur. These ordinary people, who were demonstrating peacefully in the interests of justice, have been charged with unlawful assembly.
What the nation wants to know is, ‘Has the conduct of any one of those 126 accused persons been anywhere as violent, unlawful or despicable as Rahim’s criminal and cowardly beating of a defenceless person held under police custody?’
Aliran welcomes the transparent manner in which the Commission of Inquiry has conducted its hearing thus far that elicited Rahim’s confession. Together with the Malaysian people, Aliran demands that Rahim be arrested and charged immediately, prosecuted without delay, and, when found guilty, be subjected to the most stringent penalties provided by law. Given his confession, Rahim should also be immediately stripped of his titles, which do not befit a person who has behaved no better than a common and brutal criminal.
Let not the injustice symbolised by Anwar’s black eye be allowed to cover up the blacker deeds of high-ranking people who have been only too quick to hound other people. Let not innocent and ordinary people suffer the indignities of persecution and prosecution while high-ranking people go unchallenged.
On 5 January, 1999, the Attorney-General publicly stated: ‘I, as Public Prosecutor, will not hesitate to consent to the institution of prosecution against any individual proved to have committed or abetted the commission of such crime.’
Are these words to remain as unmatched in deed as the Attorney General’s many previous and equally brave-sounding words? Or will the Public Prosecutor move without delay to prosecute without fear or favour?
In the name of justice for all Malaysians, Aliran urges the Commission of Inquiry to investigate all legal avenues and channels available to bring to trial all others who have, in the Attorney-General’s words, ‘abetted the commission’ of the ‘black eye’ incident.
Penjelasan dan Jawapan secara bertulis oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri kepada soalan-soalan yang tidak sempat dijawab semasa sesi penggulungan perbahasan bajet 2011:
Merujuk kepada surat terbuka bekas pegawai polis kanan, bekas Ketua CID Kuala Lumpur, Dato’ Mat Zain Ismail yang bertarikh 8 Oktober 2010 yang merupakan bukti kuat bahawa sistem keadilan negara kita terus merosot setelah pembentangan laporan Suruhanjaya Polis Diraja Dzaidin.
Meminta supaya mengkaji semula siasatan kes atas bukti-bukti palsu yang dikemukakan terhadap Dato’ Seri Anwar dalam kes serangan mata lebamnya dalam tahun 1998 demi melindungi kredibiliti kebebasan dan imej PDRM yang telah terjejas serius sejak 2006. Mat Zain telah membuat dakwaan yang serius bahawa bekas Ketua Polls Negara, Tan Sri Musa Hassan dan Peguam Negara, Tan Sri Ghani Patail telah mencipta bukti yang palsu dalam serangan mata lebam Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan mestilah bertanggungjawab terhadap sistem keadilan jenayah yang kucar-kacir ini.
Menyeru supaya Yang Berhormat Menteri Dalam Negeri memberikan satu penjelasan yang menyeluruh dan memuaskan mengenai perkara ini di Parlimen.
Untuk makluman Yang Berhormat, pihak PDRM telah membuat semakan ke atas penyiasatan yang melibatkan Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim dalam kes serangan mata lebamnya pada tahun 1998. Tiada apa-apa keterangan yang boleh menunjukkan berlakunya keterangan palsu dalam penyiasatan tersebut. Pendakwaan yang dibuat ke atas Tan Sri Rahim Noor kerana mendatangkan kecederaan ke atas Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim berdasarkan kepada bukti-bukti yang ditemui dalam penyiasatan kes tersebut. Tan Sri Rahim Noor telah didakwa di Mahkamah di bawah Seksyen 323 Kanun Keseksaan dan beliau telah mengaku salah di atas pertuduhan tersebut.
Mahkamah telah menjatuhkan hukuman 2 bulan penjara dan denda RM2,000.00 ke atas Tan Sri Rahim Noor di atas pengakuan bersalah beliau terhadap pertuduhan tersebut. Hukuman penjara tersebut telah selesai dijalankan dan kemudian beliau telah dibebaskan. PDRM berpandangan bahawa pertuduhan yang telah di buat ke atas Tan Sri Rahim Noor tersebut adalah selaras dengan keterangan yang dikumpulkan oleh pihak polis.
Justeru, ingin saya nyatakan bahawa tidak berlaku apa-apa kucar-kacir di dalam sistem keadilan jenayah di negara ini ekoran daripada kejadian tersebut sebagaimana dakwaan Yang Berhormat. Prinsip pengasingan kuasa (separation of power) memperuntukkan polis yang ditugaskan untuk menjalankan tugas siasatan jenayah manakala Jabatan Peguam Negara adalah bertanggungjawab menjalankan pendakwaan jenayah sebagaimana Perkara 145(3) Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan Mahkamah pula berfungsi sebagi tempat untuk mendengar dan membicarakan kes adalah masih utuh.
Oleh kerana itu, ketiga-tiga badan ini masih memainkan peranan yang ditetapkan agar tidak ada campur tangan dalam perkara-perkara yang melibatkan sistem keadilan jenayah di negara ini.
Untuk makluman Yang Berhormat juga, setakat ini tidak ada sebarang laporan polis yang telah dibuat ke atas surat terbuka bekas Ketua Siasatan Jenayah Kuala Lumpur seperti yang telah tersebar di dalam internet sebelum ini. Selain itu, kandungan surat tersebut juga tiada mempunyai sebarang unsur hasutan, fitnah, ugutan jenayah mahupun lucah bagi membolehkan PDRM untuk menjalankan siasatan.