Petra leaks papers on APCO’s A-Z work for leaders

(Harakah Daily) – Writing in his regular column on his Malaysia Today blog, self-exiled blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin has revealed that the government’s image consultant APCO Worldwide was heavily involved in arranging the US itinerary for prime minister Najib Razak, his wife Rosmah Mansor and Defence minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi during their separate visits earlier this year.

In what appeared to be a disclosure to US’s Department of Justice, Petra published a document showing APCO’s task to take care of their programmes.

APCO was appointed as the government’s image consultant in July last year and to advise it on Najib’s 1Malaysia concept.

The giant US-based corporation however found itself in the middle of a storm following revelations by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim this year that several Israeli political leaders were on its board. The company had also undertaken a similar “One Israel” campaign for Tel Aviv not long ago.

In August, Indera Mahkota member of parliament Azan Ismail revealed Malaysia was paying RM77 million in annual fees to APCO, making the country APCO’s highest paying client.

APCO does everything

According to documents revealed by Petra, APCO said it had arranged for photography and videotaping of functions involving Rosmah, who the company referred to as “First Lady”, for use of the Malaysian government.

It also helped in organisation of a think-tank roundtable and post-event dinner hosted by Zahid.

DREAM COME TRUE … APCO arranged for the much sort after handshake with the US leader

According to the disclosure, during Najib’s visit in September, APCO was instrumental in arranging meetings with various representatives of the press, academic institutions, the US government and policy organisation, as well as appointments with the media.

“During Prime Minister Najib’s visit to the United States at the end of September 2010, the Registrant provided logistical support for meetings and interviews between the Prime Minister and the New York Times editorial board, representatives of CNN, the Wall Street Journal, and the Council on Foreign Relations. The Registrant also attended the Prime Minister’s speech at the Council on Foreign Relations on September 28, 2010,” it said.

