1Malaysia “Saying SORRY Not Our Culture !”

There are many instances of racist remarks coming out from the civil servants right up to Ministerial levels and all they can say is either they were misquoted or not intentional but to say “SORRY”, its very hard, just not their culture to say it.

By Richard Loh

Is it really that hard to say “SORRY”, especially when one is a Minister or leaders running this country?

Yes, it is very hard indeed for our leaders to say the simple word “SORRY” when they have done wrong or offended the rakyat with their no brain statements.

All patriotic Malaysian Chinese have not forgotten what the present Prime Minister did in 1987 with his racist stance. Has he said “SORRY” for being a racist, I did not hear or read about it, anyone can confirm?

Raising of the kris and being asked, when they are going to use it, had hurt many but the insincere apology came with an ‘if’.

There are many instances of racist remarks coming out from the civil servants right up to Ministerial levels and all they can say is either they were misquoted or not intentional but to say “SORRY”, its very hard, just not their culture to say it.

Read more at: http://ousel.blogspot.com/2010/12/1malaysia-saying-sorry-not-our-culture.html
