BN under serious threat in S’wak, says Adenan

(Free Malaysia Today) – The organised assault by a “cancerous” opposition could leave several Barisan Nasional candidates on the losing end in the soon-to-be held state polls, according to a senior member of Chief Minister Taib Mahmud’s Cabinet.

Sounding a serious warning, special adviser to Taib, Adenan Satem, said the voters would not vote for a party anymore.

“The situation has changed. People have easy access to information and are more politically aware. The people’s mindset has changed and BN cannot afford to rest on its laurels,” he said.

In what is seen as the first confession of BN politics in Sarawak, Adenan said the current scenario was less favourable to BN.

He said frustration among dissatisfied voters coupled with structured campaigns by an empowered opposition and widespread allegations of abuse over the Internet had filtered down and would affect the party’s standing.

He said that voters today were more inclined to support individuals who were committed to serving them.

“The best advise to BN candidates now is to stay close to the people and attend to their needs.

“Don’t take voters for granted. Nowadays people don’t vote along party lines…the personality of the candidate also matters and could contribute to a defeat or victory.

“So candidates need to be convincing, open to criticism and must listen to the grouses of the people,” Adenan told newsmen at the recent pre-Christmas gathering organised by the Bidayuh Graduates Association.

Adenan, who is also Tanjung Datu assemblyman, pointed out to cases where local BN candidates were not supported by their own party members and in the end “these members themselves campaigned against the candidate.”


