My Apologies to Women and Ketuanan Melayu Types

By batsman 

No, I am not god’s gift to women or Ketuanan Melayu types. These titles have already been claimed by others. Rather, I am going to try and handle some pretty heavy, complicated and complex stuff which some people might say is from outer space. So if you don’t go for the deep space stuff I suggest you go somewhere else. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

But if you insist on staying the course, please don’t make stupid brainless comments and expose yourself as a dimwit. Not that I care, but it makes MT look like it is being populated by gas bags and commenters with low class inferior intellects. But if you wish to ask decent questions, I shall be happy to oblige and answer as best I can in equally decent manner. 

In dealing with women’s rights, liberal types have been sporting and gentlemanly. Unfortunately the solutions they champion not longer suit modern circumstances. Funny liberal types who hang on to the coattails of the real liberals have become fanatical and abusive about these issues. 

Religion is accused of being obsolete. I accuse liberal types of being even more obsolete than religion. They have turned liberalism in cahoots with the funny liberals into a fanatical religion while the religionists struggle to find adequate solutions to the problems of modern times. The dialecticians might say that they have transformed into each other in a dialectical way. This means that the old creature that incorporated the old contradictions is gone and there is a new creature called “current times” which incorporates the new dialectics. 

I agree that women as a whole have been oppressed, discriminated against and exploited throughout the ages. The solution of the liberals is to grant women equal rights. Unfortunately all cultures in the world today without exception are unable to offer women equal treatment (let alone men). 

As a result, the effect on men is to split them into 2 types (depending on the background they come from among other things) – those who oppress women even more and those who have lost their balls and become infertile. Some scientific studies have come to the conclusion that modern man has become less fertile, more submissive and losing out in competition to fierce women. On the other hand, some newspaper reports claim that modern women in western countries have become more domineering and more assertive than men, drink and stink like fishes, smoke and stink like smoldering rubbish dumps and engage in stinking loose moral behaviour even more fiercely than their male counterparts. The dialecticians might say that they have transformed into each other in a dialectical manner. 

In Malaysia, we are beginning to see the same effects. Women do a  lot better than men in the universities and would  probably demolish the men in the work place too if not for the Ketuanan Melayu types who push them back into their places. They would be pushed back all the way into the kitchen too if not for the fact that they now earn decent salaries and have to feed and support their Ketuanan Melayu type men, who when not bullying their women, spend their time bullying minorities instead or who abandon their wives and children to seek greater pleasures elsewhere. 

Of course the above statements sound contradictory and inconsistent, but this is because of the contradictory and inconsistent nature of life and not from any inconsistency of my opinions.

In reality some Malaysian women have become even more domineering and assertive than their Ketuanan Melayu type husbands. Unfortunately most of these cannot sing for nuts. Please note that I do not mean anything here in a racist manner since RPK himself says that Indians and Chinese too support Ketuanan Melayu. I suppose lousy singers come from all sorts of races. 

The fact that there is this dichotomy in both men and women of submissive and aggressive types destroys any solution imposed that is based purely on women as a homogeneous group. 

So it is that equal rights being granted to protect the weaker sex are being used by domineering and aggressive women to beat down men (and other women). Domineering women now demand equal rights in the work place and in competition with men but also demand to be given preferential treatment as the “weaker” sex. Equal rights did not come with equal treatment. No man can compete with this. If they submit, they lose. If they fight uncompromisingly, they are labeled as sadistic, masochistic misogynists. Plus the fact that the hormones of men make them susceptible to creatively and artfully composed photographs, men are a sorry miserable defeated lot. 

Unfortunately, there are contradictions in history, so firm conclusions cannot be formed. Suffice to say that when dominant women come to power in the west (Elizabeth I, Catherine the Great and Margaret Thatcher) the state is usually growing more powerful. In the East, it is the opposite and women coming to power usually signals the weakening of an empire. If there is a lesson to be gleaned here, it is that the east should not copy the west blindly. Liberalism in the west differs substantially in content (if not in form) from the funny copy-cat liberalism in the east. 

So it is that modern Malaysian men slowly lose their colour and become submissive and infertile – all because the funny Malaysian liberals insist on outdated blindly copied solutions to a complex problem. 

It is the same with the Ketuanan Melayu problem. An obsolete solution offered for a complex problem is being used by cut-throats to bully everyone else, including the people who are meant to be protected. Malays being the “weaker” partner in Malaysia’s development seek special rights and privileges to be able to catch up. Unfortunately society is not made up of purely weak individuals. The cut-throats in society who now control and dominate power and wealth have abused the special consideration offered to help Malays and demand it as a birth-right to protect their power and wealth thus turning it into a racial or genetic issue rather than an issue of development, splitting people along racial lines rather than uniting them as partners in development. 

Those Malays who object to this are even now bullied and called “political prostitutes” and threatened with incarceration under the ISA. So it is that the victims, the weak party themselves become victimised and unable to voice any dissent or disagreement whatsoever. Malays now don’t even have the right to refuse the Ketuanan Melayu champions (of all races including PPP members) imposed on them. 

I submit that in this modern day and age, with such great complexity existing in society,  and with population itself expanding rapidly, outdated solutions are never adequate. False solutions are usually those which employ force and coercion. 

Even in religion these days, voices are now engaged in debate and discussion, not only to find solutions to complex problems but to merely understand the problems more clearly. 

Aggressive and fanatically domineering types who offer or support singly outdated solutions usually do so because this singularity gives them monopoly and enormous advantages. Coercion and abuse usually accompanies their offer of solution. 

If these domineering types prevail, the rest of society will lose their colour and become submissive, infertile and bullied – just like cows and sheep or just like men with no balls – same thing. 

So I am going to borrow an idea from UMNO which used to say that there should be no identification of race with economic activity or profession. If only they were honest and fair about this principle, it might have achieved something useful. 

To cut things short, I propose that there should be no identification of abuse with gender, class, race, nationality or religion. For example, if a woman is abused, she should be offered protection, but if she turns into an abusive, domineering, corrupt lousy singer, then she must be resisted and challenged. Similarly, if a Jew is abused, he should be offered protection, but if he turns into a Zionist and starts abusing and bullying others, then he should be opposed.  

The same goes for a Malay. If a Malay is abused, marginalized and discriminated against, he should be offered protection and help, but if he becomes a Ketuanan Melayu type and starts to abuse and bully others, then he should be resisted and challenged. I suppose the same applies to professions as well. If workers are oppressed and exploited, they must be supported, but if they turn into communist dictators or all powerful trade unionists, then they should be opposed. This can hold true for laws as well. If a law such as the

ISA is abusive and oppressive, then it must be repealed. 

Finally if a government is wasteful, abusive, corrupt, sinful and uses dirty tricks, race and religion to split the rakyat so that it can cling on to power, it must be voted out of office. 

Such a proposal means that the rakyat needs to be proactive and constantly weighing the issues themselves , not sleeping and leaving the resolution of problems to abusive and corrupt leaders who treat them like immature little children with undeveloped balls. 

If this proposal is accepted, then the elements of gender, class, race, nationality and religion is removed from all problems and issues and liberals can no longer be fanatical about their high horse religious type principles. I think it will also help to solve some extremely prickly issues in Malaysia as well. What do you think? Is it too deep space or am I just a crazy misogynist? Whatever the case, I suppose for political correctness, I should also apologise to lousy singers and gas bags everywhere. heeheehee


*Note from Admin:  Malaysians are aware of these issues, and a Malaysian is currently working on a film which discusses them implicitly. This film is slated for release on Nov 25th 2011. CLICK HERE for a preview.
