‘Najib’s outburst reflects an uncivilised political system’

By Luke Rintod and Joseph Tawie, Free Malaysia Today

KOTA KINABALU: The Common Interest Group of Malaysia (CigMa) has criticised Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak for labelling the opposition as “dangerous”, “anti-national”, and “destructive”.

CigMa deputy chairman Daniel John Jambun said that Najib’s labelling lent credence to the commonly-held notion that politics in Malaysia was puerile.

“Demonising the opposition makes me think how uncivilised our political system is and how far they will go to make us feel threatened and frightened.

“It also makes me think about myself being in the opposition and feeling my intelligence deeply insulted, as if I didn’t know better,” he said in response to Najib’s comments at the Barisan Nasional convention recently.

Accusing the opposition leaders of deceiving the people and tarnishing the image of Malaysia abroad, Najib urged the BN leaders and voters to be wary of them (opposition leaders).

“Beware of everyone, they (opposition) are very dangerous. I want to point out here that they are anti-national. We must go all out and ensure that this country is not destroyed by their evil activities,” Najib had said.

Jambun has demanded that Najib reflect on the “1,001 issues” CigMa is bringing against him before accusing them of being “evildoers”.

Leading the list of questions, Jambun said, is Sabah’s contentious Project IC.

“Mr Prime Minister, who are those who have been putting the security of the nation at risk by allowing in foreigners from neighbouring countries to become Bumiputeras overnight, especially in Sabah?

“Who are those willing to deceive the people, perpetrators of evil who do not think twice, to carry out a most devilish ‘Project IC’ to almost triple the population of Sabah in a matter of a few years – all for the sake of retaining power?

“Who are those tripling the costs of projects awarded through negotiated tenders behind closed doors, and in so doing are sucking the nation of its resources?”

“Who are those willing to manipulate the laws and twist the arms of the judiciary to let criminals go scot-free, putting the country to shame in the international community?” Jambun asked.

An act of treason?

Jambun also took offence to Najib’s contention that opposition leaders were tarnishing the image of Malaysia abroad.


