Pakatan unlikely to have common logo

(The Star) – It is unlikely that the three parties in Pakatan Rakyat will come out with a common logo for the next general election, PAS central committee member Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa said.

He said it was difficult as Pakatan needed to be registered with the Registrar of Societies (ROS) first and with just three parties in the alliance, the application might not be approved.

Since 2008, Pakatan has failed to register itself as a political entity similar to the Barisan Nasional coalition because the group only had three parties while a minimum of seven was required by the ROS.

This has made the loosely- based alliance to often run foul of Election Commission rules during by-elections, when all three parties put up their respective flags and banners instead of only the contesting party.

Dr Mujahid said a status quo was likely for the three parties in the group when they contest in the next general election.

Many have speculated that the elections will be held next year.

“We would likely see PAS, PKR and DAP using their own respective logos in campaign materials and on ballot papers.

“I do not think it is a setback as most voters know who we are,” he told a press conference yesterday.

On the upcoming Pakatan convention, Dr Mujahid said Pakatan would send 1,800 delegates, consisting of 600 each from the three components while 200 places had been allocated to non-governmental organisations, Pakatan-friendly individuals and observers, including the media.

