Perkasa upset over Namewee’s ‘VIP treatment’ in Parliament

By The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 11 — Truculent Malay group Perkasa has accused Putrajaya of letting down the race with its “VIP treatment” of controversial rapper Wee Meng Chee in Parliament yesterday. 

The group’s Perak chief, Ahmad Zaini Ismail, also zoomed in on the home ministry and demanded to know what action it has taken against the Johor-born artiste better known as Namewee for allegedly stirring up racial tension in a follow-up to the “racist” school heads dispute. 

The goateed singer is said to have recently produced a racially-provocative music video about a headmistress in his home state, Siti Inshah Mansor, who was herself accused of spouting racial slurs against her ethnic Chinese and Indian students in school in August. 

The non-governmental organisation (NGO) that champions its version of Malay rights wants the authorities to arrest and charge Namewee with sedition. 

“The Home Ministry in Namewee’s case has actually disappointed the rakyat, especially the Malay community,” he said. 

“What is the status of the police report against Namewee’s barbarity when the teacher humiliated by him was punished without being able to defend himself, as were the government officials who were oppressed in a similar case?” he quizzed, in a statement today. 

Ahmad Zaini, who is also on the NGO’s central committee, raised the issue noting that Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz was “suddenly” defending Namewee and giving him the “VIP” treatment and had even announced that the latter had done no wrong. 


