Robert Phang Slams AG Gani Patail – Remove Him!

Din Merican

Gani Patail is the problem. He is mired in controversy . He is vindictive. He victimizes the innocent and protect the crooks. His insistence to persecute Lawyer Rosli Dahlan- the family man!

I have said it before and I say it again- AG Gani Patail is a liability to this government!

AG Gani Patail is a liability to this government!

I am so disgusted reading the second open letter from Dato Mat Zain Ibrahim, former KL CID Chief, to the IGP, Tan Sri Ismail Omar. Mat Zain accuses AG Gani Patail of being a LIAR, FABRICATOR and MANIPULATOR.


Mat Zain’s contempt for AG Gani Patail and former IGP Musa Hassan is so without bounds. That these two have destroyed the criminal justice system and have brought total disrepute to PDRM and the A-G Chambers. And only a few hours ago, Tan Sri Robert Phang had issued a scathing press statement slamming the AG as being the root cause that will discredit the whole government’s efforts to eradicate corruption. I can do no better than to reproduce the most damaging part of Robert Phang’s statement below:

“The root cause of all this suspicion is the credibility of the A-G Chambers, in particular of the personal integrity of AG Gani Patail himself. As a public officer, the AG’s conduct, both public and personal, must be beyond reproach. That is the root problem. For so long as there is suspicion about the personal conduct of AG Gani Patail as described above and it is not addressed, all sincere efforts by the Government and the MACC will be futile. It will be regarded as mere public relations exercise or slogans.  It will be unfortunate if the AG himself becomes a stumbling block to the Government’s and the MACC’s efforts to portray a Bersih. Cekap, Amanah Government. It is like the saying “Ketam cuba mengajar anaknya berjalan lurus”.

Gani Patail is the problem. He is mired in controversy . He is vindictive. He victimizes the innocent and protect the crooks. His insistence to persecute Lawyer Rosli Dahlan is frowned upon by the MACC’s own Advisor, Tan Sri Robert Phang. His personal conduct is unbecoming of an Attorney General in consorting with dubious characters and persons of ill-repute. As a public officer he has breached the Tata Kelakuan Pegawai Awam. The MACC should investigate him. The Ketua Setiausaha Negara,(KSN) should suspend him. If the former Chief Justice, Eusoff Chin , was subjected to a Royal Commission of Inquiry, Gani should too.

Gani Patail is the problem. He is mired in controversy . He is vindictive. He victimizes the innocent and protect the crooks. His insistence to persecute Lawyer Rosli Dahlan- the family man!

The government should just remove him!


