Young voters catalyst to change, says laureate

By Harakah Daily

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 10: Young voters must be taught to understand current issues plaguing the country’s political situation because they can be catalyst to change the power equation in the country, said National Laureate A. Samad Said in a forum at Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.

According to Pak Samad, the hope for change could not be entrusted to the older generation as they had become complacent and comfortable with the situation.

In contrast, the young voters would play a crucial role in the national political scenario as many of them had yet to have any strong political belief like their elders.

“Only through voting in the election can the power in the country be changed and the young people must be given the proper understanding.

“Among others, they must be made to realise why the country with over five decades of independence with six prime ministers, six deputy prime ministers and many ministers who were Malays, is still in a situation in which we need to ‘scream’?” he remarked.

Pak Samad warned that without a change of power, nothing could be achieved, and at the same time, the question of being ‘ungrateful’ to the existing government or being ‘anti-development’ once another party was voted in would not arise.


