Perkasa wants a museum to remember May 13

(The Malaysian Insider) – Perkasa demanded today that the Najib administration build a special museum to commemorate the bloody racial riots which occurred on May 13, 1969, saying that such a move was necessary to educate the young on how the riots actually started.

Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali said that there should be nothing wrong with building a museum for this purpose, claiming that it was “strange” that such an idea had never been suggested to the government before.

“Perkasa suggests that the Ministry for Information, Communications and Culture look into this. A museum for May 13 should be built, and this should be looked at positively. Look at Germany, for instance, they have got a museum which highlights the evils of Hitler. This is needed to educate the young people of this country,” he said today.

The outspoken Pasir Mas MP stressed that the tragedy and deaths that happened on May 13 should not be forgotten, as well as the parties who had allegedly “started” the riots.

“We have to let them know who started the riots. Who were the ones who burned the Malaysian flag on May 10? These are facts which the young ones need to know, it’s crucial,” he insisted.


