Perkasa wants royal commission on Bumi equity

By Bernama

Right wing non-governmental organisation Perkasa today suggested that a royal commission be set up to monitor Bumiputera participation in the economy.

Its president Datuk Ibrahim Ali said this was necessary to ensure that the target of 30 per cent equity ownership by Bumiputeras was attained by the time Malaysia achieve developed nation status in 2020.

“The Commission must be responsible for updating the Malays rulers on the economic progress of Bumiputeras in the country,” he told reporters at Parliament’s lobby today.

The independent MP for Pasir Mas returned to Parliament today after being on medical leave since October 18 following bypass surgery at a private hospital here.

Besides this, he also called on the Information Communication and Culture Ministry to establish a museum on the Malay sultanate and Malay warriors to act as a source of reference to the younger generation besides being a tourism product.
