The MCLM Public Forum in London

You can view the organizational structure of the MCLM at THIS LINK. Before you make a decision to join the MCLM, you might want to view their Constitution which is available HERE. Membership application forms are available at THIS LINK.

The public forum of the Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM) was hosted by Raja Petra Kamarudin, Yolanda Augustin and Farouk A. Peru on 12th December, 2010 from 13.00hrs to 15.00 hrs GMT (21.00hrs Malaysian local time). Viewers all over the world followed the live streaming of this forum via UStream at THIS LINK.

On average, there was about an average of less than 170 viewers at any one time of the telecast which also had quite an interesting exchange in the chat box. Even though it was a tad distracting, I must say it was a welcome change when the live streaming lagged.

Maverick blogger, Raja Petra Kamarudin, gave an overview of the aims and objectives of the MCLM and the concerns of those who believe in this movement. Issues pertaining to both West and East Malaysia were raised as well as reasons to justify the establishment of this movement. As usual, he donned his trademark beret and spoke candidly, and at certain times, with much passion about the MCLM.

Unfortunately, the lag in the streaming and the deficiency in the sound quality in many instances marred the whole presentation. Nonetheless, I am sure RPK or other committee members of the MCLM will be presenting a write-up of the event. Hopefully, the recording of the whole forum can be uploaded in youtube for all to understand and appreciate the motivation of this MCLM.

The most disappointing fact of the live broadcast was the poor lighting that left RPK’s face in the shadows most of the time. Whilst one can say that it gave the broadcast a sombre mood, I personally believe that RPK’s delivery would have been many notches above the bar if only someone had done something about the lighting. Sighs.

You can view the organizational structure of the MCLM at THIS LINK. Before you make a decision to join the MCLM, you might want to view their Constitution which is available HERE. Membership application forms are available at THIS LINK.

Excerpt from THIS LINK:

