MCLM to reveal 2nd candidate next week

By G Vinod, Free Malaysia Today

PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian Civil Liberities Movement (MCLM) will unveil its second candidate for the upcoming general election come Dec 21.

The announcement is scheduled to take place at the Kuala Lumpur-Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall at 7.30pm, during the movement’s first KL public forum.

“The candidate will also be at the forum,” MCLM president Haris Ibrahim told FMT. He however declined to reveal more details on the identity of the candidate.

On Dec 12, MCLM unveiled Malik Imtiaz, a human rights lawyer, as its first candidate. The announcement was made by blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin in London.

Sharing his views on Malik Imtiaz, Haris, who is also a lawyer, said the former was chosen as he had been championing human rights and civil liberties issues for a long time.

“He is an exemplary character and his credentials speak for him,” he said refering to Malik winning the Bindmans Law and Campaigning Award from the UK in 2009 for championing humans rights.

Asked where Malik (above) would be fielded, Haris said this had yet to be decided. “We are still studying the constituencies,” he added.

He also dismissed rumours that MCLM had finalised 30 candidates, saying only 19 had been finalised to date.

“The candidates comes from a mix background,” said Haris, adding that he would not be contesting in the polls.

New political culture

MCLM was launched in London on Sunday, Dec 12, at an event called Forum MCLM.

The forum was co-hosted by Raja Petra and two ardent promoters of civil society, Yolanda Augustin and Farouk A Peru

Apart from naming Malik on Sunday, MCLM also unveiled its twin declarations called The People’s Voice and The People’s Declaration at the event.


