S’pore says Wikileaks report doesn’t tally with its records

(Bernama) – Singapore said the specific complaints raised by Malaysia on what its senior officials were alleged by WikiLeaks to have said did not tally with its own records.

Foreign Affairs Minister George Yeo said “one purported meeting did not even take place”.

Yeo said this in a statement tonight in response to media queries over Malaysia’s protest note to Singapore today regarding press reports of US embassy cables leaked by Wikileaks.

The ministry confirmed that its High Commissioner in Kuala Lumpur, T. Jasudasen had been asked to see Malaysian Foreign Minister Anifah Aman this morning.

However, the ministry said Yeo called Anifah later in the day “to clarify Singapore’s policy of not commenting on leaks”.

It added that Yeo and Anifah agreed on the importance of good bilateral relations and strengthening cooperation further.

WikiLeaks had on Sunday released US State Department cables dated November 2008 which carried offending remarks about Malaysia’s leadership and the situation in the country.

The cables also recorded disparaging remarks made by theSingapore officials against Thailand, Japan and India during their meetings with US State Department senior officials.

