Malaysian charter flight with 81 passengers detained in Surabaya

By Bernama

A Malaysian chartered aircraft carrying 81 passengers – including the premier’s son – and crew was reported to have been detained by the Indonesian Armed Forces at the Djuanda International Airport in Surabaya yesterday for allegedly entering Indonesian air space without permission.

The news portal quoted Indonesian military spokesman First Admiral Iskandar Sitompul as saying that the BAE 146-200 aircraft left Dili, Timor Leste, and landed at the airport yesterday afternoon.

The report said that the aircraft had actually been given permission to enter Indonesian air space, but the agent for the flight failed to secure landing rights.

As such, when the aircraft had to refuel in Surabaya, it was detained. It was allowed to take off at about 8pm last night.

According to Kompas, the flight was carrying members of the Malacca government, a cabinet minister and “Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s son”.

The unnamed minister and premier’s son, plus four others, were however allowed to fly out of Surabaya on a commercial airliner.

– Bernama
