Two different ‘reactions’ to stand by your leader

Mariam Mokhtar, Malaysia Chronicle

Soon after the damaging WikiLeaks revelations emerged early on Sunday 12 December, two different reactions were noted in the two opposing camps of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and Prime minister, Najib Abdul Razak.

Although initially slow to react to the news, (it was after all Sunday and he was overseas then) Anwar responded with a series of tweets followed by the Pakatan publicity machinery press statement.

Meanwhile, Prime minister Najib Abdul Razak who was present at two official functions, declined the opportunity on each occasion, to speak to the press. Even his supporters and members of his Cabinet maintained a collective silence. After last week’s BN convention, when all the leaders of the component parties were vocal in their support for him, WikiLeaks appears to have had a calming influence over them.

Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad, the Communications Director of Parti Keadilan Rakyat issued a statement which expressed the seriousness of the disclosures: “The sodomy charges against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim fabricated by the Malaysian Special Branch is a serious matter as this is the surest sign yet that the persecution stems from a conspiracy at the highest levels.”

He questioned the cosy arrangement between the intelligence services of the two countries, “We must ask why the Singaporean intelligence services chose to collude with Malaysia’s Special Branch in spreading such lies about Anwar.”

There was shock that the Singaporeans had been complicit in this wrongdoing. “What is more shocking is the fact that the leadership of the Republic of Singapore has chosen to partake in this deception by deliberately spreading disinformation to an Australian intelligence agency, the Office of National Assessments (ONA).”

They were nothing more than “sensationalized personal opinions” according to Saifuddin N asution Ismail, the Secretary General of PKR.

“It must be stated very clearly that this is raw information that has yet to be screened and verified and that is what is causing the WikiLeaks commotion worldwide,” said PKR information chief, Latheefa Koya.

Part of the Wikileaks disclosures claim that a senior Singapore official said, “A lack of competent leadership is a real problem for Malaysia”, citing the need for Datuk Seri Najib Razak to prevail politically over the murder case of Mongolian model Altantuya Shaariibuu.

The muted response from the Najib camp is glaring.

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