177,857 new voters in the third quarter

By The Star

PETALING JAYA: The Election Commission (EC) announced that 177,857 new voters have been registered in the supplementary electoral roll for the third quarter of 2010.

The new voters bring the total number of voters to 11,529,135 people nationwide.

The roll was gazetted on Thursday under Regulation 22(1) of the Elections (Regis­tration of Electors) Regulations 2002 before it can be certified as valid for elections, said EC public relations officer Sabri Said.

From July 1 to Sept 30, the supplementary roll contained 205,183 voters comprising 177,857 new voters and 27,326 address change applications.

In the same period, 57,036 voters were struck off the roll for various reasons such as death and revocation of citizenship.

Due to 580 objections involving 37 parliamentary seats, 50,206 new voter registrations and 6,094 address change applications could not be certified.

“The validation of these registrations and applications needs to be delayed until all the objections can be resolved,” Sabri said in a statement yesterday.

“The public can buy the supplementary roll at the EC headquarters in Putrajaya by calling 03-8885-6500 or visiting any state EC office,” he added

Sabri also reminded the public to check their voting status as the 10th Sarawak state elections and general election were around the corner.

“We want to ensure that voters are registered at the correct locality to avoid prejudice and accusations that the EC changed voter locality independently,” he said.

Sabri urged registered voters to lodge their complaints through the EC’s complaint system at www.spr.gov.my, by writing in or going to its headquarters or state offices.

He also urged the next-of-kin of voters to immediately report deaths in the family to the National Registration Department (NRD) to obtain a death certificate.
