Are we heading for a crash landing?

The ruling party today seems totally incapable of working with elected, legitimate and legal ‘opposition’ parties. This only further compounds the nation’s political formation and forward strength.

By J.D. Lovrenciear 

Looking at the breaking news each day, one cannot dismiss the suspicion that the Malaysian political web of strategies and counter attacks is leading the humble citizen into a bleak future. There seems to be no respite in the political goings-on since the time the Tun Doctor threw the towel in.
While every PM had a deputy in tow to take on the leadership of the nation, the ‘diagnostic’ doctor sacked all his deputies. And that left the leadership of the nation in a quandary. Well that may be history but we are still paying the price while the same Tun Doctor has only made the ride down worse with each passing day.
And the ruling party today seems totally incapable of working with elected, legitimate and legal ‘opposition’ parties. This only further compounds the nation’s political formation and forward strength.
And again, the rate of corruption is beyond once’s comprehension today. One wonders how on earth all those who are being charged or alleged for crimes while in office ever managed to keep pulling wool over their bosses’ eyes – unless of course that their bosses too had some vested roles and interests.
Not to be discounted is the fact that play-dirty seems to be the name of the game  — even within the august House of Parliament. Just look at the way the politicians behave. Or, consider the kind of press statements they make. Or the type of remarks they trade at each other. 
How on earth can a nation that is banded as a ‘developing’ nation every progress or even withstand the economic tsunamis that come in cycles when our politicians cannot govern on the principle on ‘Unity within Diversity’?
When the rakyat protest, the police come blazing in full force. The argument is that the authorities are preventing a potential blood bath. But since when did the protesters carry sticks, parangs, and cannon balls?
When police reports are made, we do not see any progress in a transparent, accountable and appreciating manner. Are we a nation that practices democracy or are we a police state? Or are we we no different from some of the regimes on earth that are condemed by the world?
In the first place how on earth are we going to be world class in this and that that minsiters parrot off all too oftren when our political-culture is worse than third class?
So what exactly is wrong with our politicians? If they cannot rein in the factions and lead with conviction, support and acceptance, then we are a truly failed nation — politically. A nation that is politically unstable, is also a weak state as its economy remains precariously vulnerable.
The recent episode of the sacking of four MPs is a clear signal that we are in the doldrums. It attests that we cannot govern in diversity. It also connotes that competition is alien in Malaysian politics.
In fact, we are truly hitting a new high in the nation’s political temperature. And if the fever drives the nation into ICU, the ruling parties’ leaders and politicians must take the blame. If they do not, it only confirms that they are not true leaders but mere opportunists.
The time is drawing very close before all caring and patriotic citizens demand that the crooked and cheating as well as the incompetent politicians be hammered out of parliament and we have only genuine and credible people to lead us. Educators, business captains, religious heads and all those committed to a greater Malaysia must rise and do their litte bit to patch the tattering politics of Malaysia.
The question is do we do this after the crash landing?
