Pakatan Rakyat – A pile of shit?

By StraightTalking

Lately I’ve been reading comments from around the blogs; especially comments in Malaysia Today and I find a disturbing trend. Commenters are beginning to use ugly words to describe Pakatan. I won’t repeat them all, but one that is constantly used to disparage Pakatan is to compare it to “a pile of shit”. MY GOD!!! And who encouraged the commenters to use such an unsavory term? RPK.

What the fark has Pakatan done that is so terrible to incur such wrath from RPK and commenters to call them “a pile of shit”. Is Pakatan stealing money from the rakyat? Is Pakatan fanning racial hatred among the rakyat? Is Pakatan dividing the rakyat? Is Pakatan a bunch of corrupted crooks? Is Pakatan a bunch of useless eunuchs? I DON’T THINK SO!!! 

True, some MPs turned traitor turned frog in the early days of Pakatan and cost Pakatan to lose Perak. But that does not mean Pakatan had committed a sin. It only committed a mistake for having traitors in their midst! The recent party elections in PKR and DAP were also not sins. In fact, to allow for every member to vote in their leader was a “first” in any political party in Malaysia. It was only a mistake that Pakatan did not anticipate the difficult task of organizing such a massive nation-wide party election with so limited resources and zero experience. 

Apart from those two mistakes, all I see are some disagreements now and then. Overall the party’s top level leaders are good, clean and dedicated to serve the rakyat. Aren’t those traits what we want in our leaders? Do we want EVERY Pakatan MP; EVERY Pakatan official; EVERY Pakatan member to be clean, efficient and dedicated before we vote Pakatan? Is that possible? That would be a miracle! And miracles only happen in heaven. There are no miracles on earth. What more do we farking want! 

And now, suddenly RPK has decided that Pakatan is no good. In fact his views are that some Pakatan MPs are “not even fit to walk his dog”! I mean what kind of nonsense is this? The self-proclaimed “repairman” now says that MCLM is sent from Heaven to fix things! How wonderful. To add to my thoughts, I’d like to borrow a wise comment made by a reader in MT. He/she says… 

“…if MCLM really wants to represent the ‘civil liberties’ movements, where are the ‘unions’? Where are the human rights groups? Where are the NGOs? I don’t see them joining the MCLM in droves. If MCLM cannot accept genuine and pure criticism, is it not going to be similar to ‘Suhakam’, saying the right things but doing the wrong things? Bersih was a better movement by the way! Why not Bersih constituting a massive group under Pakatan and MCLM offering its ‘members’ as candidates only? The fact that the MCLM refuses the ‘orders’ from PKR, PAS and DAP and the fact that they fear the leadership of these parties, shows that there is a deep division among the opposition support panels and this will definitely be cannon fodder for the BN to target in the next GE. One last point: The MCLM is being created not at the ‘demand’ of the people but by the thinking of a group of good intentioned citizens but let me tell you, not all good intents end up in good things!” 

I am not a blind fan of Pakatan. I’ve seen all three movies that are now showing in our cinemas:

“BN – The Big Boss”

“Pakatan – The Alternate Big Boss”

“MCLM – The Little Big Boss” 

And I’ve been watching all three movies over and over again, including the short “clips” on youtube. I am by now, quite familiar with the actors and the plots in all three movies. If there’s an Oscar nomination for “Best Performance” I’d give it to “Pakatan – The Alternate Big Boss”. “MCLM – The Little Big Boss” deserves no nomination. 

Right now, I think the only thing that needs urgent fixing is the “repairman” himself. He should stop taking the “Tongkat Ali” called MCLM. It is actually bad medicine. 

Do you agree? 

P.S. If MT is true to its claim that it allows for dissenting views; then I’d like to see this published in MT.

StraightTalking is a Malaysian blog reader/commenter who does not blog. This is his first letter to Malaysia Today.

