HRP’s letter to Anwar Ibrahim, Hadi Awang & Lim Kit Siang

Dear YB,

Re : HRP is contesting in 15 Parliamentary and 38 State Assembly Constituencies in expected March 2011 13th General Elections further to HRP’s political struggle to politically oust UMNO/BN from Putrajaya. PKR, DAP and PAS should not be spoilers by three cornered contest.

1) The Human Rights Party will be contesting in 15 Parliamentary and 38 state constituencies in the excepted March 2011 13th General Elections. The full list of constituencies to be contested is enclosed herein below.

2) In view of a ruthless UMNO/BN regime and in the best interest of the Malaysian general public, we sincerely hope PR will not field candidates in these 15/38 constituencies to become the spoiler and cause three cornered fights against our the common political enemy.

3) What we offer PR in return, is unequivocal and active support and cooperation in all the other 207 Parliamentary and 538 P.R. State Assembly constituencies. We pledge support for Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim as the next Prime Minister of Malaysia and for P.R taking the seat of power in Putrajaya. We are however not prepared to become the Indian mandores to any political party or give a blank cheque vis a vis the Indian poor problems.

4) HINDRAF, the mother organization of HRP, gave PR it’s unconditional support in the last General Election and turned the tide of that election. If we do the same this time, we are sure that, the presently ambivalent Indian voter will positively shift their favor again towards PR in the rest of the said 207 and 538 P.R. constituencies. You can use your years of electoral experience to evaluate both what we are saying about the Indian voter sentiments and also the net effect of this, on the looming 13th GE, given present conditions.

5) We have shown magnanimity in throwing our lot behind you in the 12th General Elections, now we ask you to return that favour. Such magnanimity reciprocated will offer PR another opportunity to project respect for the wishes of the poor and marginalized Indians of this country.


