Reform the government, reform the Speaker first

I feel that the Speaker should not be chosen from the elected MPs. It is almost impossible, human nature as it is, not to favour your previous political alignment, whether deliberately or otherwise.

By Lee Wee Tak

The Speaker’s kangaroo court action in suspending Anwar Ibrahim, Karpal Singh, Azmin Ali and Sivarasa had given Barisan Nasional an unmandated 2/3 majority in Parliament, concluded ———————————————————————————

BN regains two-thirds control of the House

Dangerous to amend Constitution, say analysts

Friday, December 17th, 2010 12:49:00

PETALING JAYA: The chaos on the final day of the 12th Parliament’s third session yesterday, which saw the suspension of four Pakatan Rakyat (PR) top guns which resulted in the Barisan Nasional (BN) regaining its two-thirds majority of the House, has sparked mixed response from political analysts.

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas) political analyst Dr Jeniri Amir said the two-thirds majority has serious implications.

“This is an advantage for BN. Although they are capable of bringing positive changes, the move by speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia is seen as not gentle. It will be dangerous if BN chooses to press on with amendments. Personally, I feel Azmin Ali’s (PKR — Gombak) suspension is severe. He was just supporting the party’s leader, as did other Opposition Members of Parliament (MP),” he said.


The birthplace of Malaysia’s democracy, good old England, has this to state about the role of a Speaker:


“The Speaker is the chief officer and highest authority of the House of Commons and must remain politically impartial at all times”

What happen on that day on infamy, a practice perhaps inspired by the disgraceful Perak power grab, had the malaise extended to the federal level. The administration system that the Brits left behind has been ravaged beyond recognition.

Procedures are disregarded and the rakyat certainly did not give BN a 2/3 majority. The Speaker who was once a minister in the prime minister department gave BN that. I certainly did not pay part of his RM14K a month to turn a civilized administration system upside down.

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And this is not the first time the Speaker revealed where his loyalty apparently and truly lies.

What is more revolting to the man in the street is his previous proclamations:


Speaker Should Be Impartial – Pandikar Amin
Monday, 23 February 2009

He said that if a person was appointed speaker, “you are the Speaker of that particular Parliament or state assembly, and do not belong to any political party or to benefit a particular party.”

A speaker should not be a servant to a certain political party, he said after opening the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) first sub-committee meeting on global financial crisis and its impact here Monday (23 Feb).
A servant and a lackey are two very different desription


Pandikar vows to be fair to all as Speaker

Published on: Friday, April 11, 2008

Kota Kinabalu: Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia, the former Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, has pledged to be fair to all in discharging his duties if he is chosen as the new Dewan Rakyat Speaker.

Pandikar Amin, who was informed by Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) Chairman Datuk Seri Musa Aman on Tuesday that he would be nominated for the post, said there was no denying that the sitting for 12th parliamentary term would be more challenging than previously as the number of opposition members had increased to 82 as against BN’s 140, with many new faces among them.

“First and foremost, it’s necessary to be fair to both sides, meaning we should listen, and listen well, to the voice of both sides,” he said here Thursday.

Yeah right, Ron Jeremy is a virgin.

Pandikar Amin’s latest action has convinced the voter in me that even a single seat majority is too many for BN. Voices of the rakyat are gagged by this undefendable action from the Speaker.

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