Who is your real enemy?

MCLM should be seen as an extended arm to assist PR on quality control, audit, candidate sourcing and in return, PR will agree to let those candidates to contest under their flag, mobilize their members to help on election campaign. Eventually that will benefit PR when it could help to increase opposition seat in the parliament. 

By Waiphil(feel)

Recently many have shared their views on MCLM (Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement), in case you don’t know what is that about please go to their website here and check it up.

But instead of welcoming the group with open arms, most of the opinions and comments especially from Pakatan Rakyat show that it’s likely to treat MCLM as a foe and not a friend.

In my opinion, they should not see MCLM a rising political party at the first place and if you follow up MCLM news before they launch, they have assured us that no way they will go and create three corner fight in the election and benefit the ruling party.

My understanding on MCLM, their major role is to source and shortlist quality candidate, then hopefully with the assistance of any party in Pakatan Rakyat to allocate a seat for these candidates to contest in election. I remember what Anwar has said, they were having difficulty to get quality candidates and field them in 308 election. So I suppose MCLM will help him to do the job and perhaps could solve some of his problem.

MCLM should be seen as an extended arm to assist PR on quality control, audit, candidate sourcing and in return, PR will agree to let those candidates to contest under their flag, mobilize their members to help on election campaign. Eventually that will benefit PR when it could help to increase opposition seat in the parliament. PR must understand that the time is running out and please don’t expect the next election will be an easy one as the time has changed, just look at recent by-election result and public have also showed their disappointment over the selection of previous candidates which ended up becoming BN friendly independent like Zahrain, Zulkifli, Wong Choo Keong, Hee and others.

Read more at: http://waiphil.blogspot.com/2010/12/who-is-your-real-enemy.html

