Khir’s son makes Pakatan debut

By The Star

KEPALA BATAS: The son of former Umno stalwart Tan Sri Khir Johari made his debut at the Pakatan Rakyat convention here after joining the DAP a few months ago.

Zairil Khir, 26, the chief executive officer of RND Chocolate Labs Sdn Bhd, said: “This party stands for the multi-racialism envisioned by our first prime minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman.”

His father, who died four years ago, had served in the Cabinet under three prime ministers – Tunku, Tun Abdul Razak and Tun Hussein Onn.

Zairil said: “My father did not force me to join any political party – his only advice was for me to always do what’s right.”

He added that his family, including his 22-year-old brother and mother, Puan Sri Christine Khir Johari, had given their blessings for him to join DAP.

He said he decided to get involved in politics to carry on his father’s legacy.
