PKR versus MCLM

By batsman 

Is it safe to say that that the MCLM issue is just between RPK and PKR? Some people like to drag in the PR (i.e. DAP and PAS as well) into the fray, but I think it is mostly PKR which is terrified of the MCLM. I really do not think DAP and PAS feel comfortable to be dragged into the fray.

The reason I think that PKR is terrified of the MLCM is because of the arrogance that is manifest within the PKR even now. Fear and insecurity is the counter part of arrogance as has been shown by UMNO in its arrogance with regard to Ketuanan Melayu and its fear and insecurity with regard to free and fair competition. 

UMNO type arrogance is manifesting itself in the PKR because the PKR seems to be trying to hijack the tsunami of 2008. 

Can we agree that the tsunami of 2008 is still a broad expression of the feelings of the rakyat and not purely the result of the work of any political party? After all the political parties admit they were taken by surprise themselves. In fact by trying to hijack the political process and treating politics as their sole preserve the political parties have actually contributed to the ebbing of the tsunami. These days, anyone who does not agree with them is treated as an outsider. How not to cast a pall of doom upon the hopes and aspirations of the rakyat? 

Unfortunately love of power seems to have taken over the attitude of some in the PKR and they now treat the views and complaints of people who worked to get it elected as those of outsiders. PKR’s arrogance is attempting to hijack and monopolise the political process and keep the rakyat out as mere voters who are limited to exercise their right every 5 years or so and who do not even have the right to complain or to voice their views anymore. If they try to do so, they are accused of being outsiders and brushed aside. 

This means that PKR now behave almost like UMNO. In fact things seem to move in opposite directions with the PKR trying to be an exclusive club which treats people as outsiders while UMNO seems to talk more and more about inclusivity. PKR even now behave like high and mighty politicians who treat others as outsiders in the political process. 

I suppose their attitude to MCLM recommended candidates in the next GE will be a test case of whether they still keep to their arrogance. Can we agree that MCLM recommended candidates will be non-party independent candidates from among the people? Even as these candidates volunteer themselves as candidates and have to be vetted by the MCLM before they are recommended, can we say that this is one of the processes by which the rakyat push up independent candidates from among their own ranks? 

I suppose this is not the only process and there may be other processes by which the rakyat push up political candidates for elections, but this process seems to have some organization behind it and is not purely spontaneous. But even with such organization and lack of complete spontaneity, can we say that there is some doubt about whether RPK or Sam Haris can control their loyalty? I suppose these candidates will be as independent as is reasonable to expect. 

It may in fact not be a good thing for there to be completely independent candidates since complete independence means complete individuality as well and such completely independent candidates will no longer be answerable to anybody but themselves. This means they do not even have to be answerable to the rakyat or to their own conscience. 

The fact that they are recommended by the MCLM means that at the very least, they have to take into account the views of their friends in the MCLM who recommended them, unlike the PKR which now considers those who worked to get it elected in the past as outsiders and no longer part of the political process which has apparently become its sole preserve now that others are considered as outsiders. 

Whether such arrogance that the PKR now possesses is better or worse than the arrogance of the frogs who even now treat their old political parties as outsiders and no longer influential in their decision-making is up to you to say. 

I guess it is reasonable for RPK to take the attitude that if PKR treats him as an outsider and no longer considers him to have any influence in its decisions and actions, he is justified in taking the attitude that the PKR no longer represents his political views and that he is free to organize such that his political views are represented in some other way. I suppose this equally applies to anyone that the PKR treats as outsiders, including those among the rakyat that feel the PKR is treating them as outsiders and no longer have any say in PKR decision making and policies. 

Why should the PKR still expect RPK to keep discipline when it already considers him as an outsider? Isn’t such an attitude a bit too UMNOesque? 

It only remains to be seen whether the PKR will formally disassociate itself with the People’s Manifesto and reject the candidates recommended by the MCLM. Will the PKR be truthful and transparent and state its position openly? Or will it fudge and squirm like UMNO? The PKR has shown some guts and gumption with regard to disassociating itself from Ketuanan Melayu. Will it do the same with the People’s Manifesto? 

As it stands, the PKR and their supporters who have not yet been treated as outsiders have already taken the attitude that the MCLM are the enemy. 

When the PKR draws such a line in the sand that outsiders may not cross anymore, the platform is open for the MCLM to act as a true 3rd force and it will all be PKR’s doing. So what is it to be?
