PR’s weaknesses and what should be done

What do we have in PR, using the same old school of chanting, internal fighting, fighting for top leadership and calling whoever dares to criticise PR as “Trojan”, “agent of UMNO” and whatnot, hence losing quite a number of good leaders and followers.

Richard Loh, Harakah Daily

I am a life member of a political party from PR coalition and after 3/08 my thoughts and dreams are to see that PR will become a formidable force to take on the very much hated umno/bn but instead my dreams are shuttered with each passing day.

Many PR MPs and Aduns are performing very well but this alone is just not good enough to take on umno/bn. We like to complain about UMNO’s ‘little Napoleons’ but PR itself got a string of little kingdoms that are very damaging. Discipline and principle are not enshrined nor enforced to curb behaviors that are unwarranted and damaging to the coalition. Many of you share my dreams but there are as many hypocrites with self interest and own agenda.

UMNO/BN are well ahead in preparation for the coming 13th GE, they did not have to go on a campaigning trail but daily using the government sponsored programmes to reach out to the rakyat and they are making progress.

What do we have in PR, using the same old school of chanting, internal fighting, fighting for top leadership and calling whoever dares to criticise PR as “Trojan”, “agent of UMNO” and whatnot, hence losing quite a number of good leaders and followers.

Claiming these as norm for any political party is just an excuse, it can be eradicated if the party wanted to. If this is the case it proves my point that there are hypocrite members with self interest and own agenda within.

3/08 is historic, breaking down the wall of BN, an occasion to be happy but also a sad affair seeing quite a number of PR leaders and members becoming arrogant and snobbish.

Clinging on to the 3/08 tsunami phenomenon without any new dimensions will be a disaster. You can still use it but should not be in the forefront while the “Anwar euphoria” is getting a little bit stale. The public must be shown and convince that without Anwar, PAS, DAP and PKR can still work together and not what UMNO/BN is telling that the bond are there because of Anwar and without him all hell will break loose. Yes, Anwar is the binding force for which credit must be given but PR must moved away from that notion without any disrespect for Anwar.

PR talks about ‘Ketuanan Rakyat’, transparency and accountability but to what extend are these being put into practice?

We still see argument among PR elected reps on policies base upon races, not satisfied with allocation of funds to different races, these are not complaints from the public mind you but from the elected reps themselves fighting for their own races. And not to mention the distasteful way of handling party elections.

Transparency and accountability must not just be a practice in governing but also in all PR coalition parties. It must be a practice right into the heart of PR and it cannot simply be claimed as “party matters”. At present, what I observed is that only members that are closed to the party leaders have the say and right to run the party while others, not only the rakyat but also other members, are in the dark of what is going on.

When PR claim to be for ‘Ketuanan Rakyat” it must be ready for scrutiny and the rakyat should have the right to know what is happening.

There can be no separation of party or public matters. It is a totally new political game play for Malaysians, they have tasted blood after 3/08 and they want more, and if PR cannot provide more fresh blood the voters will fall back to the lies of UMNO/BN.

It will be fatal for PR not to know that their support is faltering and to keep on pretending that all is fine and the 3/08 tsunami is still strong.

For those who wanted to open their mouth and accuse me of being ‘Trojan’ or ‘BN agent’, hold your tongue. I will prefer to die rather than be with UMNO/BN.

For over 50 years the rakyat’s mind have been indoctrinated by UMNO/BN that only they can rule the country and without them Malaysia will collapse, a perception that PR must try to rid off. New catch phrases must be introduced to wipe out this perception from the rakyat minds. Eg: “Tiada Umno Tiada Masalah”; “Tiada BN Tiada Masalah”.

Lastly, PR must realise by now it cannot conquer Putrajaya on its own, this I may be wrong but will it harm PR to join forces with others that are also fighting against BN?

PR must acknowledge that it does not have the complete line-up of credible candidates for the 13th GE or am I wrong here again? My suggestion is, sit down and discuss with MCLM or even KITA (I can see the mouth and eyes opening wide) to work out a win-win solution.

This email may be brushed off as another ‘Trojan’ trying to disrupt and destroy PR. Say and think what you like but if PR really wanted to at least maintain the seats and states that they won in 3/08, a lot of internal cleaning must be done, in addition to being humble to work with others, listening to the ground.

