Sarawak opposition launches anti-Taib video

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ATM (Abdul Taib Mahmud) telah memegang kuasa selama 30 tahun di Sarawak, dan hasil daripada itu, Sarawak menjadi negeri yang paling miskin sedangkan dia sendiri telah menjadi orang yang paling kaya di Malaysia. Video ini akan membongkarkan muslihat Taib, yang memperalatkan rakyat Sarawak dan merampas harta negeri Sarawak selama ini untuk kepentingannya sendiri.

The Sarawak opposition has launched a video on youtube attacking the Sarawak Chief Minister, Abdul Taib Mahmud. The video, entitled “harta berdarah” (“bloody wealth”), alleges that Taib has plundered the East Malaysian state’s natural resources during his 30 years in power and calls for a radical change (“berubalah!”) of government in the upcoming state election. It also criticizes Taib’s logging and plantation policies and his tight control of the media. Sarawak, despite being extremely rich in natural resources, ranks among Malaysia’s poorest states.

Although spoken in Malay, the video is a must-see for everyone interested in the destruction of Borneo’s tropical forests and its political context.

Meanwhile, the aging Chief Minister continues to puzzle the public and political observers. According to Bernama, the Malaysian news agency, 74-year old Taib surprisedly married last Saturday a 28-year old Lebanese woman in Kuching. While the name of the bride remains unknown, it has been reported that she is a former flight attendant. The high-profile wedding went unreported in the Borneo Post and other Taib-controlled media in Sarawak.

