ANWAR IBRAHIM…what else?

So my friends read what you want. Listen to all that is being said. In the quiet of the evening do as I do….sit and think. If you have good friends sit with them in quiet contemplation.Take yourself back to that day when balaclava clad thugs from PDRM went to get Anwar from his house in Damasara. Take yourself back to that time when we see Anwar striding into court with his black eye but still defiant and unbowed.

Then bring yourself back to the present and ask yourself what has changed? 

By steadyaku47

Wikileaks. Entrapment. Lee Kuan Yew. Australian and Singapore intelligence Agencies. Office of National Assessments. Pundits predict clear BN win. Jeffrey to quit PKR. Parliamentary panel wants six-month suspension for Anwar……ecetera, ecetera, ecetera…..

All things and everything is being rolled out to give credibility to this Najib/UMNO driven train hurtling towards Anwar. Najib already has Anwar  blind folded, feet shackled, hands tied behind his back and placed at the end of the railway line in front of a 10 ft thick granite wall waiting to be crushed to smithereens.

Like everything that Najib does he is only brave enough to move when he thinks that everything is in place. All the i’s have been dotted and the t’s crossed….so he thinks! He forgets Mahyuddin and Mahathir lurking in the shadows. He forgets that many in UMNO wants him to parade himself in front of everyone but none will tell him that he  has no clothes on. Nobody tells him what would happen after the train hits the wall. The train cannot stop…the train does not have the option of reducing speed by steering itself into an uphill direction as a runaway truck without brakes can… …..but Anwar, if he moves nimbly,  still has time to free himself and walk away. Najib cannot!

For Najib becoming Prime Minister gained him temporary immunity from the Altantuya juggernaut that was bearing down upon him. Taking Anwar out of the 13th GE will extend that immunity, confirm the death sentence on Altantuya’s two proxy “murderers” and set Najib free and make him again Prime Minister of Malaysia and Rosmah as First Lady…so he thinks! 

The 13th General Election will certainly be upon us soon. It is as certain as having Khir Toyo acquitted of corruption charges for lack of evidence, as sure as Liong Sik being allowed to hold on to his massive wealth, and as sure as Ibrahim Ali being used as a mule to carry UMNO come election time. 

Has anything changed with Anwar after Saiful? The manner in which PKR party elections were conducted…maybe. But where in politics does it say that a politician has a duty of care to help his political opponents win? What did Mahathir do to neutralize Musa and Razaleigh? What did Mahathir do to rid UMNO of Abdullah? UMNO brought back a corrupt Isa Samad because they needed a corrupt Isa Samad to win in Bagan Pinang….ecetera ecetera ecetera… what happened during PKR’s recent party election was that it rid itself of a very unpleasant threat – Zaid. For we now know that Zaid was indeed a musuh di bawah selimut. Good riddance. 

The intrigues and back stabbing within MCA has presented the party with a President who was previously sacked in 2009 for damaging the party’s image with his sex scandal. Only in MCA….only in MCA! Samy Velu use of caste and money to advance his case in MIC has given him many merry years as President to take for himself what is rightfully for the Indians. And only in Malaysia can a corrupt ex Minister retire and enjoy his loot from his time in government in peace. I will not go into Sarawak and Sabah…too much time needed for things that are already well documented. In all this, within Barisan Nasional, deception and lies are rewarded with power and wealth. Massive wealth.

So my friends read what you want. Listen to all that is being said. In the quiet of the evening do as I do….sit and think. If you have good friends sit with them in quiet contemplation.Take yourself back to that day when balaclava clad thugs from PDRM went to get Anwar from his house in Damasara. Take yourself back to that time when we see Anwar striding into court with his black eye but still defiant and unbowed.

Take yourself back to the early days of Reformasi when all this started. All this that have led to Barisan Nasional losing their two-thirds majority in Parliament. Renew your sense of outrage at a BN government and a Mahathir that has gone mad hell bent in going after Anwar again because only Anwar constitute a threat to their existence. Get back the anger that you had when you saw PDRM bludging so many defenseless Malaysian with their truncheons and kicking them with their leather boots. And remember the many instances of nepotism, corruption and abuse of power that has become endemic in an UMNO that has failed the Malays.

Then bring yourself back to the present and ask yourself what has changed?

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